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I sat at the bus stop tapping my foot to the beat of the sweet music filling my headphones. I yelped as my body jolted forward suddenly and I felt hard pressure on my shoulders. I paused my music and a throaty laugh greeted my ears. I sighed at the familiar voice and I stifled a laugh.

"Did I scare you?" The boy said as I turned around. I was face to chest with the boy. I looked up into his dark face and was stunned momentarily by his lovely smile. The smile hid his intentions though. I smiled back but was on guard as his muscular arms wrapped themselves around me pulling into a warm crushing hug. I felt a blush and scolded myself. I couldn't like this boy.

"Babe why haven't you texted me?" His deep voice rumbled in my ear. His face went to my neck for a second before he pulled away. I put my hands on his chest to keep him from pressing himself against me.

"I don't know... It doesn't matter." I said shrugging pushing my hair back. It did matter but I didn't want to stir him up. He kind of scared me when he was angry.

"What is it baby?" He said in his slick voice. I felt anger spark in me. Why was he doing this? What had I ever done to him?

"Keshawn... One of your girls was talking about me- I'm tired of this." I sighed trying to pull away from him but he held my arm. His ebony hand stood out on my tanned skin and I gulped.

"I'm not your side chick boy. I don't even know why I'm having this conversation with you." I sighed avoiding his gaze. His hand tightened on my arm and I felt fear spark in my heart. I looked up and met his gaze. My heart froze as I looked into his angered eyes.

"You're not my side chick. Who told you you were my side chick?" His voice was deadly calm and it scared me even more. I shook my head and shrugged trying to get out of this subject.

"Who? Who told you?" He growled. Anger laced his every word. I looked at him and scoffed.

"You did!" I snapped at him as flashbacks rushed through my mind.

I'd been sitting in my seat in the back of the bus and the boy was sitting on the opposite side across from me.

"Hey baby." He'd said and I'd ignored him. I wasn't really in the mood to talk that day and I just wanted to get home. I looked over at Keshawn and saw he was sprawled out in the seat and he winked at me. I smiled softly and looked out the window. A frown crept to my face.

"Fine then.... Hey any of y'all got a girlfriend?" I heard him ask the boys around us. Some muttered yes or no. I looked back to Keshawn and saw him smirking devilishly. I felt my heart crack.

"Yeah my girl's fine as hell you should see her... Remember her babe? The girl you saw at the park with me? That's her... She's the finest girl in our grade." He said with a wolf like whoop. I almost scoffed aloud. That bitch was not cute. All she did was plaster makeup on her face but I guess he didn't care about that. The chick couldn't even speak English right! No I'm not bashing her for being foreign but if a girl try's to argue with you saying you "like her man" and you can't understand half the crap she's saying in her squeaky voice, it's annoying and downright sad.

Anger and hurt flowed through me with vengeance and I shook my head softly. Why did I always have to like the bad boys? I sighed and muttered to myself.

"What was that?" Keshawn said cockily and I looked over at him with a glare. How dare he try to make me jealous? How dare he even speak to me in such a way? HOW DARE HE?!

I scoffed and looked out the window again my jaw clenched and unclenched. I was about to put in my earphones when I heard him say my name. I should've ignored him but I didn't.

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