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My feet tapped impatiently as I waited for the bell to ring. It finally rang and I leaped from my seat and raced out the door. I immediately ran into a hard chest and I backed up. I was muttering as I looked to see who it was.

"The fuck Keshawn?" I growled. He looked at me and frowned. I fidgeted softly but managed a glare as I looked at him. Lizzy came to stand behind me and she glanced at Keshawn and sighed.

"Are you for real; just leave her alone you jerk." Lizzy snapped. It was a surprise because she was usually so quiet and nice but now she was giving Keshawn a deadly look.

"Kay don't you love me?" Keshawn asked me with a frown ignoring Lizzy completely. He actually looked hurt as he reached out to me.

I took a step back and spat, "Why should I? You've done nothing but cause me pain. You've hurt me, played with my emotions, slept with a countless number of girls how you put it, treated me like dirt, assaulted me, called me a whore, yet you say you love me. You think I love you now? Maybe once I did. But how can I even think of it now? You don't even know what love is." My shoulders started to shake and when Keshawn's hand laid on me I wrenched away. Annoyance started to erupt in me as Keshawn started talking.

"Baby I was stupid. So stupid I never- I never meant to hurt you. You know I love you. Baby girl I love you. I'll drop everything for you. You're my baby. You're my life. Don't leave me please I-" he started looking hurt.

"Cut the bullshit Keshawn! That shit isn't working on me anymore! Do you hear me! I don't want you! I fucking don't want you! Now go fuck one of your bitches and stay off my ass!" I cut him off and pushed past him. I enjoyed the look of shock on his face. He probably thought I was going to fall in his arms. Boy was he wrong.

"Kay! Don't walk away from me! This isn't over! That boy isn't gonna get you, you're my girl! My girl! Fuck that cracker!" He yelled after me and I whirled around anger bubbling inside me.

"That cracker is more of a man than you will ever be. Don't talk about my boyfriend like that again you asshole or you'll reap the benefits." I spat and couldn't miss the look of pride on Lizzy's face. I realized then that a lot of people had stopped to watch.

"Come give your boyfriend a hug darlin'." A familiar, warm drawled voice said behind me. I jumped and turned slowly to see Convel leaned against a wall. I blushed. Oh God he saw.

I walked briskly over and smiled sheepishly, "How much did you see?" I asked softly. Convel raised an eyebrow.

"Just you telling him that I was your boyfriend... You were talking about me right?" He said with a slight frown. I nodded. Convel smirked.

"Did you tell him?" Chrystal asked appearing out of nowhere. I blinked at her. She had a mischievous smirk. Uh oh.

Convel looked between us and raised his eyebrow, "Tell me what?" He asked staring at me and glancing at her. Maddi walked up with Lizzy and the two looked anxious. I gulped.

"You gonna tell him Kay?" Chrystal asked me pointedly. I sucked in a breath. Lizzy and Maddi looked sympathetic and Chrystal looked determined. Convel looked confused.

"Tell me what?" Convel asked staring at us all then his eyes hovered on me. I opened my mouth but nothing would come out.

"Keshawn tried t-" Chrystal started but I cut her off with a hand to her mouth. Convel frowned and locked eyes with me.

"What did he do?" I looked at the ground and Convel made a growling noise. I saw his eyes flicker red again and I gulped. I lowered my hand from Chrystal's mouth and she looked at me and Convel then backed up and stood beside Lizzy and Maddi.

"What. Did. He. Do. Kay?" Convel said looking agitated. I sighed and grabbed his arm.

"I'll tell you in the car okay? But first we have to leave." I stated.

"Is it that bad, you want us to leave so I won't be around him?" Convel growled and I whined pulling at his arm. I didn't want him to start anything. I didn't want him to possibly get charged with something.

"Come on Convel. I'll tell you when we're in the car." I said and with a growl he followed.

It wasn't long before we were in his car and he turned to me.

"What happened?" He asked with a frown. Concern shown in his eyes.

"Keshawn and I used to have something. What it was I'm not even sure. I guess... I don't know what it was he was screwing other girls the entire time." My voice started to shake. I didn't think I'd feel this empty talking about it, "He'd rub it in my face and be horrible one second then kiss me the next and tell me I was his everything... He- he hit me sometimes. But it didn't hurt that much. He- he-" Convel's jaw was twitching as he listened and he looked at me with darkened eyes.

"He-" I felt tears pooling in my eyes and soon they were cascading down my cheeks. Convel groaned and reached over and somehow got me into his lap. My hands were fists laid against his chest and my head was buried in the crook of his neck. His arms were hugging me gently.

"He touched me." I managed to get past my sobs. Convel tensed and his arms wrapped tighter around me.

"Where?" He said in a strained voice. I let out a shaky breath.

"Down there." I chocked out. Convel remained silent and just hugged me tighter.

"Did he take your vir-" He started and I interrupted quickly.

"No I wouldn't let him but he tried his hardest to. I'm not going to let some asshole take me virginity... Remember when we first talked on the phone? That was right after he'd fingered me on the bus and tried to put his face down there... I was so scared he was going to- ya know. I didn't want him to be my first time. But luckily nothing happened-except that... But I didn't want him to I was just too scared to say anything..." I ended it with a round of sobs and I felt Convel's hands rubbing my back.

"If I ever see him again I'm going to kill his ass." Convel snarled and hugged me tighter. The feeling I got was chasing away the sorrow.

"Just don't get thrown in jail for me." I sighed and Convel chuckled bitterly.

"Believe me Kay... You're worth more than getting thrown in jail. And besides I won't get caught. I have my ways of doing things." He said softly the anger in his voice subsiding. What in the world?

His hands continued to rub and were now massaging my back. I sighed and relaxed. I laid myself against him as my sobs quieted.

"What are we going to do?" I said finally.

"We're going out... If you're still up for it." I nodded and hugged him softly. He chuckled softly and gave me a bone crushing hug. He turned on the car and a soft lovely melody filled the car. God are you trying to do something? I thought.

"... I will always be here for you..." Convel chest rumbled as he whispered the words. His hands wrapped around me softly and I smiled softly. My heart was drumming in my chest.

"Convel..." I sighed and he moved me so that my face was level with his. My throat ran dry as I looked into his gorgeous blue eyes.

"Yes baby?" He said softly and my eyes welled with tears. When Keshawn called me that it made me feel like shit but when Convel said it fierce emotions rushed through me. My heart pounded and I let the tears fall. Convel smiled softly and wiped my eyes. His hands were so gentle.

As I looked into his eyes I felt a strong pull and I have in to it. My heart beat strongly and Convel smiled softly.

"You're mine." He grunted softly. His eyes flashed black.

"I-" my words were stopped as Convel's lips pressed against mine.


Plot twist coming up!

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