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"Hello?" I said groggily. My voice was a little raspy.

"Hello? I think I got the wrong number... Umm who's this?" A masculine voice said. I groaned.

"Kay." I said softly.

"Oh... Well Kay are you alright? You sound a little bad there." The guy said and I scoffed. For some reason I felt like carrying a conversation with this stranger. Maybe it was because I was in shock still.

"I'm fine. Who is this?" I sighed sitting up and pushing my hair out of my face. Maybe I knew this person. Old friends popped in my head but he sounded different.

"Convel." The voice said with a slight drawl. Nope definitely no one I knew. I found myself starting to smile.

"Well Convel nice to talk to you." I said clearing my throat.

"You too. So what's up... You okay?" He said into the phone and I felt better. I smiled softly.


"There's that smile." Convel said with a chuckle. How'd he know that?

"How did you-" I started.

"I could tell by how you said it." He answered. I nodded my head slowly.

"Oh well I've got to go." I started I had to get on my homework.

"Ok... Hey save my number okay? If you want cause I wanna talk to you some more. I think we could be friends." He said with a chuckle and I giggled. He was crazy. But I saved his number anyway. It read: Convel.

"Pfft okay." I said and he hummed something.

"Okay I'll get at you later." The boy said chuckling. I said bye and ended the call. I let out a low sigh and flopped back on my bed. I oddly felt better and I smiled softly.

I'd finally finished my homework and put it all back in my school bag with a satisfied sigh. I was still the only one at my house right now but I was used to being alone for a while.

I walked down the hall and into the kitchen going straight to the refrigerator. I opened the freezer and let the cold breeze hit my face. I saw what I was after. Ice cream, not just any ice cream but delicious chocolate.

I scooped some up in a bowl and headed for the living room. I sat on the couch and turned on the tv flipping through channels until I found Law and Order. I smiled and started watching.

I was watching a shoot out scene when it slid into a commercial and I got up from the couch taking my now empty bowl with me. I laid the bowl in the sink and washed it out leaving in there to dry because honestly I was too lazy to do that right now.

I walked back to my room and realized my phone was still laying on my bed. I took it in my hands and turned it on. I was greeted by two messages. They where from Convel.

Hey. One from thirty-five minutes ago said. Followed be one from six minutes ago that read: Wyd?

I opened the message and walked back toward the living room typing in a reply as I walked.

I'm watching Law & Order. I sent the text and sat back on the couch. A girl was running on the screen followed by her capture. I'd missed a little bit of it.

I love that show. Came Convel's response and I smiled a little.

Yeah... Was my response. He read it and started typing I didn't want to seem desperate so I got out of messages as fast as I could and turned off my phone. Soon my phone dinged and I looked over at it. My heart fluttered as I read it.

Can we meet up some time? I'm not a creeper I swear but I wanna get to know you better. I know we gotta be close because our phone numbers start with the same numbers. *936*

He was right and I was kind of surprised he knew that. Some people just thought that's just how you got your numbers but the first three were actually the area code.

Oh... Err okay... What school do you go to? I texted back really not sure what to do.

I don't go to school. Well I'm in college part time.... I'm 19 I work at my uncle's business. He replied. My heart jumped in my chest.

Oh I'm 17. I sent after a pause.

Oh ok... So do you know where the park is with the big water fountain? He said.

Yes. I used to go there all the time when I was younger.

Let's meet there... Err tomorrow afternoon? He asked waiting for an answer. What should I say? What should I say? My hands shook slightly. My mind screamed: Stranger danger! I shot up a quick prayer and respond.

I smiled softly. Yeah sure...

He sent a happy face emoji and said 'see you then.'

I smiled and closed the message just as the front door opened.

"Hey," my mom said walking in with my sisters and brother. All six of them came bustling in. I was the eldest of my five siblings and it was sort of a big responsibility, you know? I was their big sister. I was the one they looked up to as an example. I smiled at all of them hiding my phone behind my back and the pain still inside my heart.

"How was your day?" Mama asked me with a smile I smiled back and shrugged. Her greens eyes studied me and she pushed back her red brown hair.

"Nothing much." I lied through my teeth giving a soft shrug. She smiled and walked into the kitchen saying, "Okay then."

I let out a sigh of relief and looked back to the TV.

"Ooh Law & Order." My thirteen years old sister said flopping down beside me. I slid over a bit as the others got on the couch as well. My little two years old brother was the last to climb on and it was a little crowded but I sucked it up and watched the show.

It ended with the bad guy getting gunned down and the victim getting rescued and returned to her family.

"Time for dinner." With all my siblings we rushed to the kitchen. My body followed a little bit slower.

Who is this Convel?

Stranger danger anyone?

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