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I whimpered as Convel dragged me through numerous halls. This place looked downright gorgeous if, you know, I wasn't caught up on the scared for my life thing.

I held back a cry as he pulled me into a dark room and shoved me inside.

"Where am I?" The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. He blinked and gave me a weird look.

"My dungeon." He said flatly without looking at me. I sucked in a breath.

"Why am I here?" I asked. I could barley see shit. It was so dark down here.

"This is your room." he said 'your' like it was a threat. I wrinkled my nose at him.

"Really? Down here? Why?" I muttered upset at the fact I was going to sleep in this dark cold cell room as this jerk of a mate gets to be who knows where. Convel looked at me and huffed.

"Because you need to be taught a lesson." He growled gruffly. I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"Don't do that." Convel snapped after a second. I looked back at him.

"Do what?" I said all to innocently as I stared at his figure. He laughed humorlessly and his eyes flickered in the darkness with red.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." He growled. I scoffed and shook my head.

A stinging of a hit to the face took me by utter surprise and I lost my balance and landed on the ground with a thud. I cupped my cheek and looked up at Convel with bewildered eyes and my vision blurred as tears ran down my cheeks.

He only gave me a look of contempt before leaving the room and closing the large metal door behind him. I flinched as it clanged shut.

"Lilith!" I glanced to the door as I heard him shout.

"Yes, your Majesty?" A gruff female voice sounded.

"She does not go out. Do you understand?" Convel growled.

"Understood my king." Came a short reply.

My lips quivered as I heard retreating footsteps, but the shadow left that I could still see could only be whoever this Lilith woman was.

What the fuck just happened? I thought and hugged myself as I tried to calm down.

For a while I sat there on the verge of a breakdown before the heavy scraping of the door opening made me flinch away. I looked up to see a woman standing in the doorway.

Her hair was past her shoulders and as black as a raven's wings and she was wearing a dark red, long-sleeved shirt with silver armor over her arms and chest, yet she wore leather like pants without armor, which I found slightly weird. Her eyes were a piercing green and they looked down at me with an expressionless gaze. Then she gave a big sigh and brought out her hand. I ducked away but stopped when I realized she was holding a cup.

"It's water." She said stoically and shoved the cup towards me.

I hesitantly took it and gulped it down.

"Th—thanks." I grumbled handing it back and she took it without acknowledging what I said.

She suddenly straightened up and walked hurriedly out of the room only to appear again moments later carrying a bag. I eyed it in suspicion and she reached inside and held up a steak. It looked almost burnt and my stomach growled involuntarily.

"We give these to the dogs." Y'all have dogs? I thought. "But I figured you'd want food too. I have no need to cook so it's probably not how you'd want it. But it's food, so you should be grateful." She finished and handed me the steak.

I gave it a sniff and gingerly took a bite. It was burnt and could really use some seasoning, but I doubt that this vampire would know anything about that if she's never even cooked.

"Thank you... people usually use utensils with this kind of thing though." I said and the woman tilted her head slightly.

"Like a fork and a knife." I explained and she nodded slowly, but still held that stoic expression.

"The king can be very short tempered, you must try not to anger him. I personally don't see any point in hitting such a weaker being; there's no glory in taking down something so meager—a human." Lilith said and I pursed my lips and continued eating. She began to walk towards the door and I quickly swallowed the hunk of meat that was in my mouth.

"Wait." I huffed and she paused with her back to me just before the doorway.

"I cannot sit in here with you all night. I am your guard not your companion." She said sharply and I faltered for a moment.

"I have to go to the bathroom." I whispered and she glanced over her shoulder.

"Fucking humans, what am I a babysitter? Come." She snapped and I gulped and followed her, scarfing down the remains of the steak as I went. We walked a few yards down hall before she halted.

"Wait. No. Go back to the cell. I'll get it." She suddenly said blocking my path and I turned around and went back.

By the time I was back in the little dungeon she'd came back with a bucket and let me say the night was just getting worse.

The woman wrinkled her nose as she took the bucket away and I looked at the ground in embarrassment.

"I'll bring you a cot and because I'm assuming you need sleep. Then no more talking until morning or something—I'd prefer not to talk but I wager you'll want some sort of interaction—stupid human attachments." Lilith said grumbling the last part and muttering something else inaudibly as she left me alone once more.

Soon she returned with a cot and a blanket and she grumbled begrudgingly as she handed me the things before leaving to stand outside the doorway, the metal slamming shut behind her.

I curled up on the cot and pulled the covers over my head before silently crying myself to sleep, wishing that this was all some bad dream.

If only...


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