The Halter

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It was two months until I saw Master again. In those two months I had learned that we were horses and they are humans. My dam had said that most humans are kind and forgiving but that there are others who are not. She said that some don't care what you do they will beat you. She hoped I never fell into the hands of one of those humans. When he finally came he brought another human with him. This one was a little bigger and had a hard looking face. Master had something in his hand. What is that? I asked my dam. Its the halter. She replied. When they came over Master put the halter on my dam's head. Then he attached some kind of rope to the halter. He started leading her away, all the time calling her Precious. They walked to the gate, where I had seen many humans come to look at us. Master took my dam out the gate so I went to follow but before I got there the other human shut the gate. I whinnied and ran along the gate as Master kept leading her away. Then I heard the hard faced man call to me. He called me Cowboy, and when I looked at him he seemed pleased. I saw that he also had a halter and a rope. At this moment I thought I would quickly check the halter over and decide whether to put it on or not. I trotted over near hard face stretched out my neck and smelled the halter and him. The human smelled of something foul, and when he quickly moved toward me I turned around and gave a warning kick. All of a sudden something hit my hindquarters. It hurt, it felt like a whip. When I turned back around he had the rope in his hand, it was swinging. That same thing repeated three or four times until he yelled, "Whatever colt! Just git I'll be back for you in a minute!" Then he turned around and went to open the gate. I saw my chance to go after my dam. When he unlocked the gate I ran for it, pushed the gate and galloped down the road toward my dam. I heard hard face yell, "Hey get back here colt! Hey Bryan, he's a comin!" I kept running until I was next to my dam.

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