The Breaking

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When I was two years old Master brought something strange with the blanket. This thing was very strange looking. It was quite large and it looked familiar. Ah yes, I thought to myself. I have seen it on the backs of other horses. On top of the blanket. My dam had called it a saddle. Master put the saddle on the fence and came over to me with just the blanket. We went through the normal routine of rubbing and throwing. Then he put it on me and lead me over to the fence near the saddle. I never did like the looks of the saddle so when he tried to take me near it I stopped. He tried to persuade me for about five minutes then he turned me in a circle and tried again. I stopped about three times before he tried something else. He tried lots of techniques and approaches but I was not going near the saddle. I knew that if I went near it he would put it on me. After maybe an hour of trying he finally took me to the other side of the pen and kept working with the blanket. Then he did something else that was new. He left the blanket on my back and he led me out of the gate and over to an strong looking piece of a fence. What was strange about it though was it was only a piece of a fence and it looked to be a lot stronger. Next Master wrapped the lead rope around the fence piece many times and walked away. I whinnied to him wondering why he was leaving me. I tried to rear but the rope wouldn't allow it so I bucked and screamed instead. After an hour of this I got tired and stopped. As soon as I stopped Master came over undid the rope and took me on a walk.

When we came back he walked right toward the saddle I hesitated but continued walking because if I didn't he just might put me back on that fence. Master picked the saddle off the fence and held it at my face for me to smell. When he did this I jumped back, he waited patiently for me to smell it and when I was finished he set it softly on my back. As soon as it touched he took it right back off then he repeated he process. When he was sure I was comfortable he put it on and walked me around, then he grabbed a new thing. This thing was long and kind of slender, I soon found out what it was for. Thing was used to hold the saddle on my back. I did not want this saddle stuck to me back so I tried to run but he was already at work attaching thing. When he was done he undid me lead rope and walked out of the small corral. I didn't know what to do so I just stood there, for every time I moved the saddle moved to. Soon I got fed up with it and started bucked and screaming again. I bucked for ten minutes before I gave up. This stuff was not coming off! When I finally calmed down he came back and took everything off. Then he took me back to my paddock and released me with my dam. I then asked my dam, Was all that necessary? And she replies, It was if you are ever to earn your keep. Otherwise Master's to sell you to another master! Of course I did not want this to happen so the next time Master came I cooperated fully. That was the breaking.

Howdy! So that one was long. Comment and tell me what you want do you like the longer ones or the shorter chapters?

Horse Diaries #1: An Old Horses Mission **Finished**Where stories live. Discover now