The Lariat

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A few years have passed and my training is well under way. I'm being ridden by many people, even Master's daughter. Secretly she is my favorite, she is kind and soft handed. She gallops me through fields of windflowers to the river and we get a drink before heading back home.
So I am five now and can perform many moves including a sliding stop, a spin, and pull a log. Now Mother says, in the few times I see her, it is time for your roping training. She says that every horse here learns how to rope, for this is a Ropers Ranch.
The first time Master brought me to the small corral and let me loose. He then started swinging a long rope. That must be the lariat, I thought. The next few times he got closer and closer then he tried putting it all over me, I didn't care one bit. Then one day he saddled me and got on, I just thought we were going on our usual ride through town, but he grabbed the lariat and we went to the small corral. Master opened the rope and started to swing it above my head. I wasn't too sure of this so I gave a warning snort. He understood and stopped only for a minute though then started again. This time I did whatever he asked of me.
I soon got so used to the lariat that we started galloping with it swinging. The next part of my training came soon after that. The first time I saw the new creature I was curious but when it tried to ram me with its horns I wanted nothing to do with it. And when Master asked me to chase after it I refused. After eight refusals he took me to the small corral and had one of his helpers bring the creature with us. Master just sat on my back while I bucked, kicked, and bit at the creature then suddenly he took up the reins and wheeled me around to face it. It's eyes were mad with fury. It's horns made of fire. Then I blinked and when I opened my eyes I saw a calf. Just with horns like the Bulls except these horns were flat at the end not sharp. This was what mother had called a steer, I was to chase it while Master tried to catch it with the lariat. Ah yes Mother has explained all of this to me before. How could I be so stupid. After my sudden discovery I walked over to the steer and sniffed it. It sniffed me back, I jumped, it jumped, Master jumped!
The next day Master asked me to chase the steer again I did this time and with great heart! I could feel it. This is what I was meant for!

Horse Diaries #1: An Old Horses Mission **Finished**Where stories live. Discover now