Chapter Two - #phan

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After taking a shower back at the flat, I pulled out my laptop to check Tumblr-by 'checking' I meant scroll endlessly for a few hours until I felt like sleeping-or until I got fed up with 'phan' on my dash. Unhealthy, I know, but that was how I did things.

After I woke up, I quickly updated Twitter so that more followers knew about my upcoming liveshow that day, I had breakfast. My phone rang. It was Tyler.

"Hello?" I said, holding my cell to my ear.

"Hi Dan!" his happy voice filled my ear. I hadn't talked to him in a long time. "I'm coming to London tomorrow, as you probably know."

"Mmhm?" I said as I took another bite of cereal. "Do you want to film a collab or something?"

"You read my mind!" he said. "Okay, text me and we can work out the details later. There's this really cool thing that I want to do, but I probably shouldn't explain right now because there's this creepy guy 'sleeping' across from me who's giving me a death stare, I'm in the airport by the way, and my flight's late. I think I'm talking really loud."

"That sucks," I say, switching hands so my left was holding the spoon..

"Yeah. Well see ya later, Daniel!" he called into the phone in his quirky Tyler way. I smiled and hung up.

I loved Tyler. We didn't see each other much unless we were at a convention or while he was in town. I could talk to him about things I wouldn't necessarily bring up with Phil - mostly sexual things. Phil would usually shy away from those subjects - I didn't really understand why, to be honest. It was just part of who Phil was. I was close to Tyler, yes, but even if there were things I could say to him that would burn little Phil's ears, he couldn't hold a light to Phil.

I set up my laptop and opened YouNow, where my liveshow was taking place in a few minutes-probably only of the first times I had ever been on time for a liveshow. I checked what everyone was screaming about, which was something different every two seconds.

I started the YouNow, where I greeted the viewers and sent out the message on Twitter. It was fun to interact with subscribers like this, even though it was sort of hard to see questions as they flashed by.

"Hi Katie hi Jon hi Sophia hi Mae hi Rhiannon," I said, looking through the people who were commenting.

Halfway through the liveshow, someone commented something that caught my eye and I read it aloud without thinking about it.

"Jamie B. says: Is that Phil's jumper"

I looked down at my jumper. Damn.

It was Phil's jumper. I hadn't even noticed, I'd grabbed one from my wardrobe without thinking that morning.

Incoming shitstorm.

"Oh fuck," I said, "I was using this for my video, and I forgot, I think I put it in my wardrobe yesterday without thinking or something...Haha... I mean, c'mon. It has colours. Can't be Dan's."


"omg are you sure that's how that got there Dan"

"Daniel Howell stop lying"

"phan is otp"


What. A. Fucking. Joke. I literally couldn't believe that I had forgotten to take the jumper off.

My face and ears were turning red, and I scowled at the screen. "You guys must know by now that I use Phil's clothes in a lot of my videos. I'm just too lazy to change, I suppose."

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