Chapter Five - Fell Out Boys

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It was Thursday-I'd gotten the notification from my phone and was getting ready to go to Lauren's flat. I'd promised myself not to let myself get drunk, because Lauren needed me.

She did need me, right?

It was the afternoon, and Phil was acting very happy. I was glad that whatever had been bothering him the past few days had gone.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" said Phil, running down the stairs. I smiled at his eagerness and watched him as he scurried off.

It was Chris.

"Hey Chris!" I said. "What are you doing here?" He had a bag over his shoulder, which he handed to Phil now. What was it for?

"Uh, the sleepover that you invited me to?"


Phil was grinning. "Let's sleep in my room," he said. "Talk about stuff, watch anime."

"I have a bunch of fanart that your subscribers wanted me to give to you," said Chris, pulling out a wad of papers and mixed media from his bag. "Here." Phil laughed. "How'd you end up with all of this stuff?"

"Oh you wouldn't believe how many people recognize me when I'm out and about. They're like, 'Oh my God! Crabstickz! Oh, and can you give these things to Danisnotonfire for me, please?"

I laughed awkwardly. All three of us knew that I was the most popular of the four of us - Chris, Phil, PJ and myself, and that was a topic I didn't like to discuss. I felt it would make the rest of them, those who had been on YouTube around as long as me or longer would feel bad about not being as popular.

I took the pile and headed back up to put it on the counter, trying to figure out what to do. Stay with Chris, who I hadn't seen in months, but would see tomorrow, and Phil, who I saw every day, or support Lauren at the party?

Well, Phil and I had planned this earlier. But Lauren needed my help with Jared. So the logical answer would be to go help Lauren, considering Phil had Chris, and I was needed less here, right? I could come back in the night and still stay up late with them.

"Er, Phil," I said, walking into his room, where Chris was unpacking his stuff. "I kind of had something else planned tonight."

"What?" said Phil. "What is it?"

"Erm," I said, rubbing the back of my neck, "I, have to go to this Christmas party, because..."

Chris looked up. "Why?"

"Er, I mean, I promised Lauren, and..."

"Oh my God, Dan." Phil stood up. "You double-booked us? After you promised?"

"No! It's not like I don't want to stay, but Lauren-"

"I don't want to hear it, Dan." Phil looked angry. "Lately it's always been Lauren this, Lauren that, I mean, will you shut the fuck up about Lauren?" I flinched at his "fuck". Phil rarely swore. "She's known you for like, what? A couple days? And We've been your friends for years, and you don't care about how I feel, and tonight you're all 'Oh, Lauren invited me to this party, sorry I can't stay with you guys and do fun stuff like I promised I would,' like, if she was really your friend, she'd understand that you promised us first, right? Right?!"

Chris and I stared at him, dumbstruck.

There was a loud bang from underneath us, and all of us hesitated a moment, listening. There came a shout. "OI! KEEP IT DOWN!"

Phil only shouted louder, the northern becoming more and more accentuated by the second.

"US? We bloody hear you having sex down there every night and we don't complain! YOU keep it down!"

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