Chapter Six - Favours

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I mean, where was I supposed to go?

I couldn't think straight.

I could go with Lauren and Sienna. But I shouldn't.

I could go home.

But I didn't want to. Phil didn't want me there. I hated Phil as of this moment.

I hated everything about him. His huge blue eyes, his stupid hair that matched mine, his stupid habit of eating my cereal in the mornings, the stupid way he left every cupboard door open, his really fucking stupid morning voice, his stupid lactose intolerance and everything in between.

I could go to Chris' place.

I didn't want to face Chris.

I could go to PJ's.

Oh right...Peej was off on holiday.

But then what other friends did I have who would be willing to help me?

Wow, I need more friends.

Rain was streaming down from the sky, and I swore I could feel it dripping off my eyelashes. My hair had instantly become curly upon contact with the rain, but now it was plastered to my forehead from the wetness. My backside was pretty soaked as well, as I was sat on the bench of a bus stop - thank God my jeans were black, or else it would had looked if I had seriously wet myself.

Tyler? Maybe I could go to Tyler. He was staying for, what, a week?

I still wasn't thinking properly.

I rang the wrong number four times before I got it right.

"Hello?" came a groggy voice after a few rings.

Oh, right. It was maybe three in the morning. Lauren had gotten all needy and emotional that morning, and Sienna had called to say she was at some guy's place, and I had gotten tired and left.

I hadn't gotten very drunk, but with the pounding in my ears from the incessant loud music was giving me a hard time thinking, not to mention my anger at Phil, and the world, and even Chris, and me, and the fact I couldn't even afford to break my own legs and arms or jump off a building to certain blood and injury because I was so mad...


"Hi, Tyler," I said.



"Why are you calling? It's like one o'clock."

"Three," I corrected him. "Phil kicked me out. Can I come stay wherever you are? I know it's a lot to ask, but..."

"What?" He sounded shocked. "Phil what?"

"Kicked me out," I said quickly. "It's nothing. Can I stay wherever you're staying for a little while?"

Tyler made a confused noise with his throat.

"Well, I mean, sure? But I'm in a hotel? And, uh, sorry to be so nosy, but, why?"

"Because I can't go back to my flat, Phil kicked me out."

"Yeah, I've got that. Why did he kick you out of your home, Dan?"

I cringed. I didn't want to explain anything at the moment.

"I'll...I'll explain later, okay? First, where are you?"

"Where are you?"

"I don't...really know. I'm at a bus stop somewhere. Look, I'll figure it out, okay? Just tell me where you're staying at and I'll catch a bus and find you."

"You're at a bus stop."



"Yes, We've established that."

"Dan, it's pouring."


He sighed. "You have to tell me what happened. But I'm staying at Lion's Side hotel. You know where that is?"

Lion. Philion. Lions. The little stuffed thing that Phil had.

"Er, yes, I do. Which room are you staying in?"

"Room 208. There's only one bed...And a couch, now that I-"

"Great!" I cut him off. "I swear it'll be for only a few days, okay? I promise I won't be bothering you. You're here on tour, right?"


"Thank you so much, Tyler."

"I'll see you later, then, hopefully," he said, "But I'm still incredibly confused. You got to give me details!"


I hung up. The battery icon on my phone displayed less than 20 percent.


The lights were on when I entered Tyler's hotel room.

"Why, the, fuck," he began as I entered, "did Phil kick you out of your place?"

"In the morning, I swear," I assured him.

"Okay," he said, raising his eyebrows but crawling back into bed anyway. "Or else I might start thinking you're just camping out here because of my irresistible allure. Here," he passed me a blanket and a pillow. "If you're not comfortable on the couch, we could switch," he told me as I sat.

"No, it's OK." I replied. "You're doing me a huge favour right now."

I usually slept in just my underwear, but I probably shouldn't do that tonight. Instead, I pulled off my jacket and shoes and laid down on the couch in my jeans and t-shirt. Jeans were uncomfortable as fuck to sleep in. Especially while they were wet.

"Night, Dan," said Tyler, rolling on his side to look at me.


"You have such a beautiful British accent," he sighed, rolling onto his back. "Too bad my heart belongs to another."

"Who, Troye?" I mumbled. I didn't want to think about love and relationships right now, because of my anger at Phil, and my confusion with Lauren.

"No," he said. "I mean, I kind of had a crush on him once. But I really, really, like this guy Sergio."

To be honest, I didn't care at the moment.

"Is he a YouTuber?"

"No, nobody knows him. He's not like famous, I just know him because he's my neighbor...He's so, so hot, and he's also straight with a girlfriend."

"Ouch," I said without much conviction. I wasn't in the mood to be sympathetic.

"Well, night," he said again.


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