Emily's P.O.V (Chapter 3)

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[*Author's note* that's a painting that I made last night!!!]

     I called Devon. I told him everything that happened and told him how I'd be living with the band for a while. He was happy for me and offered to let me stay with him. I told the boys about it but Ahren insisted that I stay with them for a while so things can clear up in my fathers head. They where doing their last tour date for a while. We were going to be staying at their house here in the states, in California. Joel mentioned to me that it was going to be about a week drive to the house and said that I could sleep in his bunk and he'd sleep on the couch but I insisted that he slept in his bunk. I was so grateful for this guys... They are my heroes...

        I was still a little upset about what happened but I'm trying to keep a happy face.

        *skip a week. All they did was rest and hung out in the tour bus. Emily and the boys have arrived at The Amity's log cabin in the states. It's huge and beautiful to Emily. They have just arrived, Emily is just now stepping out of the bus*

         I step out of the bus onto the dirt driveway. I look up and see the most beautiful log cabin.  It's so big and dreamy. Huge glass windows everywhere, a porch running around the whole thing, lots of woods surrounding it, a pool and hot tub in the back, and my favorite part, a huge game shed in the backyard by the pool. I stood in amazement, looking at the building.

       "Do you like it?" Ahren whispered to me.

        "It's so beautiful..." I replied.

        "It's a seven bedroom house. Has a big kitchen and living area and a hella awesome game room in the backyard" he smiled as he said.

        "I saw that... Thank you so much for bringing me Ahren I really appreciate it. I appreciate it all from all of you." I gestured to the band.

         I hugged Ahren tightly then went to grab my stuff from the bus. I pulled out my suitcase with most of my clothes in it, my huge puppy dog that I've slept with since I was 4, although I would never admit that, and then a big box with different things in it.
          I put my stuff inside by the door then went to help Joel carry some stuff in. As soon as we got all of our stuff in Ahren showed me to my room. Now, I'm usually a super lazy person but having your room on the THIRD floor requires a lot of energy. He opened the bedroom door. It was beautiful... The walls were a tranquil blue, the bed was beautiful. It had a huge, see-through curtain going all the way around it. The room had an empty shelf, a huge closet that would NEVER be filled because I would never have that many clothes, a big drawer with a flatscreen on top, and a widowed door that lead to a small balcony. This room could be a freaking house!
          I heard rustling outside of my door and before I could open it, someone knocked.
         "Come in!!" I yelled at the door. Ahren opened the door.
         "Hey Em! I saw something at your house and I grabbed it before we left because I thought you might miss it..." He explained. I thought about what I left and I hoped what I was thinking was what he was talking about. He picked up a little glass cage and I was nearly crying from excitement. I had accidentally left my hermit crab, Twisty, in my room. Some people may think that it's just a stupid hermit crab but I love him. He was my only friend for a really long time... I grabbed the cage and sat it down in the middle of the shelf. I ran to Ahren and hugged him tightly.
        He started laughing and said,  "that's not it..."  He picked up something from off the floor. My Xbox! I'm so glad he got it.
        "Ahren thank you so much! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I hugged him even tighter, except this time, I didn't let go. He hugged me back tightly.
        "*clears throat loudly* Uhm hey guys... What's happening?" Joel awkwardly said.
        I quickly pulled away from Ahren and turned to Joel. "Oh... I was just showing Ahren how grateful I am that he got his stuff for me..." Joel smiled. I looked up at Ahren and his face was blood red, which instantly turned my face red. It was a little awkward so I decided to break the silence. "Is it okay if I take a shower? I don't know where the bathroom is..." I said, awkwardly putting my hand behind my head. Ahren laughed.
       "Em you have your own bathroom. It's the door directly to the left of this room. Is it okay if I stay in your room and play with the crab? I've never held one!" Ahren said excitedly.
        I laughed then replied "Of course you can. I'll be out in a few minutes. Thank you so much guys". And at that, I went to take a shower.

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