*Emily's P.O.V* (Chapter 11)

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I woke up in Ahren's room. In Ahren's bed. But no Ahren. I frowned internally. I sat up and yawned then walked to my room. I fixed my hair real quick and took off my makeup. I then walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. As I was walking downstairs I remembered that Ahren and I left our boards on the front step so I went to go get them.
I opened the door and grabbed the two boards, noticing that Ahren's car was gone. I put them up and text him. "Where did Mr. Stringer go?" I sent it. I walked back inside and was greeted by Joel.
"Oh hey Ahren told me to tell you that he went to go grab some coffee and he will be back shortly." Joel explained. I nodded and thanked him.
I started thinking. Ahren doesn't even like coffee. I went to go take a shower. I sat my phone on the sink and turned on the water. I figured Ahren would text me by the time I got out. I started thinking about last night. He was acting strange when we went to bed. I'm a little terrified that I hurt him last night at Denny's. I didn't mean it that way... It just came out wrong. I finished washing up my hair and stepped out. I wrapped my towel around me and quickly checked my phone... No texts.
             I walked back into my room and changed. I didn't really bother with my hair so I just patted it as dry as possible and brushed it. I was going to go downstairs to hang out with the guys but as soon as I opened the door I bumped into Ahren. "Oh. Sorry. Excuse me."
               And just like that he walked right past me into his room. I turned around and placed three gentle knocks on his door. "Ahren? Can we talk?"
                "Yeah come in" he replied.
                He was sitting on his balcony. I could see it from mine because it's directly next to it. I placed my on his shoulder. "Baby what's wrong?" I asked him concerned.
               "Em? Maybe we should take a break or something? Like we're not even together and were already sleeping in each other's room. Maybe we should just try to stay distant for a while." He explained.
                 I nodded. I had so many questions. So much pain. I couldn't say a single word. So I nodded and walked to my room. I laid in bed for the rest of the day. Joel came up a couple times asking me if I wanted anything to eat or drink. No was always the answer. It was always the answer for Ahren too. I could hear Joel asking him the same thing. I just wanted to know what happened. What I did. Where was he this morning? Did he meet someone new? Should I leave? This isn't my house but it's home.

             It's the only home I have now. Ahren was my home. I want to talk to him. I want to ask him why he had a sudden change of heart. I cried into my pillow for a while, letting my thoughts overwhelm me. As soon as I mustered up enough strength to stop, I sat up on my bed. I looked around my room. Ahren's shirt and a pair of his pajama bottoms were lying on the floor. I braided my hair to the side and put on a sweater and some pajama pants. His pajama pants. My eyes were red and swollen. My lips were pale, along with the rest of my body. I slid my phone in my pocket and put my glasses on.
              As I was walking down the steps I heard Joel in Ahren's room. I didn't want to eavesdrop so I waited at the bottom of the stairs until he came down. I stood up and quickly said "I'm gonna run to the store real quick. Need anything?" I asked.
             "He needs you, Emily." Joel stated. I couldn't help myself as the tears started flowing down my cheek one by one. I quickly walked out the door, grabbed my board and hit the road.
            "Two packs of Marlboro hundreds, special blends." I stated to the cashier.
            "Rough night?" She asked politely.
             "Do I look that bad?" I asked seriously.
             "Usually when a girl is upset she comes in a buys chocolate and wine. You came in with swollen eyes and bought whiskey and cigarettes. I guess it's bad." She stated.
             I gave her $40 all in. My amount was thirty something but what do I need it for? Maybe giving something to someone will bring good karma my way. I ran back in quickly, mentioning how I forgot a lighter and she let me pick any one I wanted out. Nice.
              When I walked back outside, my skateboard was missing. Sweet. So much for that good karma. I looked around, nothing. I guess it got stolen. I walked home, alone, at about 1:30a.m. I was pretty scared. I let out a deep breath as soon as I reached the house. I quickly ran upstairs, avoiding anyone who was up. Avoiding him.
               I sat out on the balcony and opened a pack of cigs and threw the paper away. I jumped up on the rail and took a few gulps of the Jack Daniels I bought. I put a cigarette in my mouth, lit it, and inhaled deeply. As I exhaled I laughed to myself. "One bad night and I'm already breaking promises. Sitting on the fucking rail. Getting drunk and smoking. Damn. You fucked me up huh?" I said to myself.
                 "You promised." A deep, cold, voice said from a couple yards away. I turned quickly, nearly falling, to see Ahren. He jumped from his rail, to my balcony quickly and grabbed me. "This is why I fucking asked you not to do this Em. You could've died!" He yelled. I dropped my cigarette in the process.
                I looked down and started crying gently. "Why?" I whispered. I sat down on the floor and held my head on my hands. "I don't understand... Why?" I kept repeating.
               "Do you like me because I'm in a band or do you like me because I'm me?" Ahren asked.
               I looked up at him, obviously hurt. "Seriously?" I asked. "I wouldn't try and get to know every little detail about you if I didn't want you Ahren! I tried my best to keep you happy!" I screamed. Joel bursts into the room quite quickly. He saw me, sitting on the floor, screaming at Ahren. And Ahren sitting in the chair looking down at me.
               "Guys what the fuck happened? Why can't you two go back to being a gross ass couple? I thought things were great?" Joel explained.
               "Maybe Emily should explain these god damn texts then." Ahren stated harshly as he threw his phone down at me and walked out of my room. I grabbed it and unlocked it. There was a number on top of the screen that I didn't recognize.
               The text read, "Emily only wants you because you're a member of a hot band. Don't believe me? I'll screenshot the messages she sent me." And then there were two pictures. The screen capped texts were apparently to and from a girl named Emily, I'm assuming to be me. 'Emily' said, "Ahren's so sexy. I want that big dick of his he just won't let me have it. Good thing he gives me the money for right now ;)."  I want in shock that Ahren actually believed this nonsense. The second picture was a screen cap of a contact with my name and number. I didn't send it. He knows I didn't send that. Right?  I handed the phone to Joel and let him analyze it.
                   He looked up at me. "Ahren believes this?" He asked.
                   "I don't know. When he came home yesterday he said we needed a break." I cried lightly and lit another cigarette. 
                   Joel hugged me tightly. "I don't think he's used to actually being loved by someone. He's just scared Emmy. Go talk to him."  I nodded in agreement. As Joel walked out I shut my balcony doors because I don't like smoke getting inside. I smoked another cigarette one by one until I was sick. That's usually how I stop. I smoke until I'm sick so I won't want to do it again. I got nauseous and went to open the doors. They're locked. I walked to the edge of the balcony and threw up. I guess Ahren heard me. He walked in from my room and unlocked the door. He took my hand and led me into the bathroom where he held back my hair for me. Man he's so confusing.
                 When I finally got done and felt less nauseous I brushed my teeth. I sat on the bathroom floor and looked up at him. "Do you really believe that those texts are from me Ahren?" I asked seriously.
                 He shook his head no. As I looked into his eyes, it's almost as if I could see this man in front of me that was confused and breaking. He slid down the wall beside me. "Emmy?" He asked
                 I turned my head towards him. His eyes were glossy. He was fighting tears. I knew with one word, one touch, they'd spill.
                "I'm so scared, Em." He said and closed his eyes. A tear rolled down his cheek.
                I rubbed it away. He looked up at me. Tears were flowing from his big brown eyes. It made me cry. I pulled his head to my chest and held it. "Baby? Listen to me okay? I know you've never done this before. I know it's scary. I'm asking for a lot when I tell you to trust me. I know I am. But I need you to trust me. You have full access to every part of my phone at all times. You can read my messages with anyone. You can come in my room without knocking. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I have no privacy from you. It's okay to do those things. You're scared. I know baby, I know. But you're not going to loose me. Even if we broke up, I'd still be your best friend. You don't have to hide your emotions. You can express your feelings. You can let your guard down around me love. You're mine." I kissed his head. "And I'm yours." I stated.
               He looked up at me in an unexplainable way, and kissed me in an unexplainable way.

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