The first time I met him (1)

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I walked along the grass outside the walls. I always wondered why there were walls in the first place I mean who wouldn't want to see the beautiful ocean or the amazing trees.

I walked into a forest where my titan friends were. They were trully wonderful they were always nice to me they would also help me when I was in trouble, and they always see me as one of them. Of course I am a titan shifter so they wouldn't do anything . I'm more part titan than human.

I walked even more along the pathway in the forest. Titans usually walk here so they would always make a path of dirt and they would break the trees just so they can walk. I enjoyed how sunny today was. I couldn't go hang out with Annie,Bert and Reiner because they were in the walls, Annie wanting to join the military police , Reiner and Bert got into the Scout Regiment.

Titans then started coming out of different ways making me smile "Where are we going today?" I said to no one in particular. A titan then pocked me up and placed me on it's head.


Before we got there I fell asleep on the titans head.


I opened my eyes to see were the noise was coming from. I looked ahead to see my titan friend walk into the walls. I looked around and saw that there was a hole in the wall. I find it wierd how Bert can transform so quickly. As I enter the walls I am amaze on how small all the buildings are some are big and some are small.

The only thing I don't understand is why are all of the people running away and screaming. I mean I know that the titans look scary and all but what dod they ever do to you? I got off the titans head and landed in it's palm. Next thing I know is I hear a slashing sound being heard. I looked to see what happened but all i saw was blur. Then someone caught me which made the world even more clear. I then noticed I was falling and this person stoped me from landing of my face of the uncomfortable ground.

I was being lifted off the ground and placed on a roof of a tall building. When I looked up I saw turquoise (A/N: I know his eyes are somewhat turquoise/blue/green but I will always put turquoise) eyes looking at me with a smile, I on the other hand stared wide eyed at the boy with brown hair and turquoise eyes. "Well hello. My name is Eren, Eren Jeager".

I didn't know what was going on I had many mixed feelings. I didn't know wether to be happy that this boy is actually good looking or sad that he just killed my titan friend. Before I had anything to say ,a girl with Black hair and onyx eyes with a red scarf came up to the boy and said in a very calm voice "Eren C'mon we have to go", "ok Mikasa just hold on I jeed to help this girl out" he said looking at me.

The girl which I just heard was named Mikasa just glared at me making me shiver. "No Eren let's go there looking for us" Eren just sighed and nodded. "Well as you can see I have to go now" he said "oh and I never asked you, what's your name?". I starred at him before replying " well my name is u-um Y/N L/N ".

*Mikasa pov*

I had a very bad feeling about today I was looking for Eren when I spotted him talking to a girl with H/L H/C hair, S/T skin and beautiful E/C eyes. Being the sister I am I rushed to Eren's side "Eren C'mon we have to go" I wait as my brother talks to the girl and find out her name is Y/N L/N.

When eren finally ends the conversation with the girl we launch our 3DMG gear to another roof killing 2 titans in the process.

*Eren pov*

That girl was pretty what was her name again........oh yeah! It was Y/N L/N when I set her down on the roof I noticed all her facial features she had H/L and H/C hair with beautiful E/C eyes and S/C smooth skin. My thoughts were cut off when Mikasa kept poking me "Eren Eren Eren Ere-" I stoped her by poking her arm "what's up Mikasa?" She stoped and looked at me "You like her don't you" my face turned red I turned away to hide my red face. "Maybe"


HI GUYS well this is the first update i will be doing more later in the week bye see you later

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