Yuki Akimo (4)

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I Looked at everyone eating. Mikasa still held that Icy cold glare. Once everyone was done with their food, all the cadets made their way to their rooms. I headed towards the girls room and heard them talking. "Hey do you think Yuki Akimo is cute?" I heard Mina ask. (Eren also introduced me to her) while they were talking I wondered who this Yuki was.

Where have I heard that name? it seems all to familiar. I shook my head at the thought i'm probably thinking to much about it. I walked in the room to see all the girls getting ready to train, talking.

"Oh hi (Y/N)" they all said in unison exept Annie and Mikasa. I smiled at all of them "Hi". I walked to my bed getting ready to change into other clothes so I can go training.

When I was finished I made my way to the training grounds. I saw all the girls looking in a certain direction. I turned my head to see what they were looking at to see a guy with red hair and green eyes. I know I've seen him before. I heard girls whispering behind me. All I heard was

'Look i'ts Yuki'

'Oh my god he's perfect'

I rolled my eyes at how stupid these girls were being. Do they know that no one is perfect? I saw Yuki heading towards me. "Hey i've seen you somewhere" we both said in unison. I nodded "yeah I know i've seen you before" I pondered where have I seen him? I shrugged it off "I'ts probably my mind playing tricks on me" we said in unison once again.

This is really getting awkward "well good bye then" we both said in unison. we said goodbye before going in diffrent directions. Ok that was really wierd I saw Eren trying to get a partner so I decided to be his partner since I didn't have one ether. "Hey Eren"

*Eren Pov*

I saw (Y/N) talking to Yuki. Man I wish I was him. Everybody loved him, girls would want him as a boyfriend and guys would want to be like him.

Once (Y/N) was done talking to Yuki she walked towards me. Ok Eren act cool, act cool "Hey Eren" she approached me. "Hi (Y/N) what did Yuki want?" I asked. "Oh nothing much he just said that he's seen me before and we were sayingthe exact same things, so that was wierd"

I nodded then we went with complete silence afte that. "Do you want to be my partner for hand-to-hand combat?" She asked me "sure but I have to warn you i'm really good" she smirked "we'll see about that"

*(Y/N) POV*

Me and eren were circling eachother. He threw a punch at my face but I quickly dodged it. I kicked his side to have him wince in pain at how powerful the kick was whoops sorry Eren I didn't know I could kick that hard. He threw a punch at my stomach knocking the air out of me. I breathed in and out finally controlling my breathing. I hit the back of Eren's knee making him fall on his knees. I pinned him onto the ground making sure he doesn't escape. "I win" I said standing up holding out a hand to Eren. Eren huffed and congratulated me.

I walked into the mess hall getting my supper. I held onto the tray and sat next to Sasha "(Y/N) I heard you beat Eren in hand-to-hand combat today" I nodded

*time skip*

Once I finished my food I walked toward the girls room and saw a note on my bed. Hmm that's wierd I picked up the note and read it.

Meet me at the nurses office to check something.
-Yuki Akimo

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