Chapter 4: My Sister

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It saddened me that Naomi was still hurting from that. To be fair, I wasn't healed from Manny or the others. We both still hurt from it. I knew she still had bad nightmares from it. I also knew I could keep her at bay. She seemed okay if I was there to help her.

I wondered if Jade was okay. I wondered if there was still things going on that I didn't know about. There was still a sense of sadness I could feel around her. I knew she wouldn't tell me what was going on, if anything was going on. I grabbed mine and Naomi's empty plates and put them in the sink. I went and sat back down on the couch, drowning in my thoughts. I had a lot on my mind today.

It was later that night and Naomi was at work. Jade was still asleep. She must have not gotten any sleep last night. I wondered why. All I could hope is that nothing is wrong. I wanted her to be okay but things where always going on with her, a lot thay I didn't know about. Same with Naomi. They both had lots of secrets. I understood that I have to be patient with them. I had just got back into their lives. They can't just open up to me immediately, right? I wanted to know what was going on. I wanted to know if they were really okay, but for now, I just have to wait.

Jade woke up and made her way into the living room, still looking very tired. Koda went up to her and licked her hands. He seemed to know when something was wrong with someone. "You sleep okay?" I asked as she sat next to me. She nodded. She layed her tired head on my shoulder. "I'll take you and Koda to Naomi's work soon, okay?" I spoke wrapping my arm around her. She seemed down. I wanted to make her feel better like I used to.

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