Chapter 44: The Final Fight

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"NAOMI, FUCK, DONT YOU FUCKING DARE!" Joel screamed, kneeling down and throwing me over his shoulder and bringing me as fast as he could to safety as the bullets whizzed past us. I had been shot in my leg and I was losing a lot of blood. It hurt in the beginning, but my adrenaline acted as an anesthetic. It was now sundown, and the humvees haven't come to pick up the wounded, so there was a little base set up in a small building where the field medics tried to treat the wounded soldiers and where we held our ground as command figured out a way to drop us ammo. "MANNY MANNY" Joel's raspy voice screamed as he held me tightly over his shoulder, he was scared and he had all right to be. I winced in pain, finally feeling the stinging pain in my leg.

Manny turned around, his face dropping when he saw me draped over Joel's shoulder. He came quickly taking me from Joel's arms and cradling as he pushed his way through the other soldiers who all looked at me with worried eyes, these were my brothers. "OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY" I gripped the fabric of his fatigues, my hair fell out of its bun and hung over my face. Manny laid me down on a blanket on a medical table that was set up by the soldiers. The medic came rushing over, ripping the fabric of my pants and looking at the wound.

"We need to clamp the artery..." I heard him breathe slowly, and I felt the pain starting to escalate. Joel looked up at him, eyebrows furrowed and eyes crazed.

"Give her morphine!" He spat frantically, but the doctor shook his head.

"I can't, it'll slow her heart rate too much..." He looked over at me and brought his face close. "Listen, Medusa I'm gonna have to do something, and it's gonna hurt but it'll make you better I promise"

Tommy pushed his way into the area I was in, walking to my side. His face was dirty and bloodied up and his eyes looked scared. "What happened?!" He looked over at Joel, setting his rifle down.

"She was shot what the fuck do you think happened Conlon?!" He retorted, the fear everyone was feeling was bringing tension.

"Don't you fucking talk to me like that"

"HEY HEY" Manny stopped them. "SHUT THE FUCK UP OK?!" Tommy turned to the doctor, taking off his vest and jacket and revealing the black T-shirt under it.

"I gotta... Clamp the artery before she loses anymore blood... I'll need your help...." Tommy looked at me and nodded. Joel stood at my head and held my shoulders, Manny paced the room frantically. I could hear he sounds of warfare still happening outside, and it was unreal that something like this was happening right now. I stared at the doctor and Tommy, unaware of what they were gonna do, they nodded at each other, and in that second the doctor dug his hands into my wound as Tommy held it open.

I let out a blood curdling scream, lurching forward and it took Joel and Manny to hold me down as hot tears streamed down my face. It was the worst pain I felt in my life. Tommy and the doctor were yelling at each other, trying to get this done as fast as possible. the doctor was feeling around the inside of my wound for the artery.

It hurt so bad that I went numb, falling back and laying there exhausted, barely able to see straight. Joel ran his hands on my heads brushing my hair back and kissing my head. "You're ok, you're okay" he whispered. Manny slapped my face lightly.

"Hey, stay awake Hermana" the doctor pulled the artery forward and Tommy clamped it quickly, as tight as he could. I felt myself drifting, and I thought to Brendan and Jade back home, how they would feel if I died here.

"Tommy...." I whispered, reaching out my hand for him as the doctor wrapped up the wound, I would have to lay here until the humvees or he helicopters arrived, and who knew when that would be. He grabbed my hand and looked at me as Joel played with my hair gently. "If... If I don't...-"

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