Chapter 36: Fighters Dinner

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"Oh god, Jade hurry up!" I groaned, staring at the door tapping my feet, everyone else was already there. They had some, dinner scheduled for the fighters and their trainers before the big event, interviews were going on, everyone was just kinda getting to know the fighters. 

"I don't wanna come go, Naomi can't we just stay here?" she groaned from behind her room door. Conor had everything set up for tonight, bought her and I clothes and everything, wanted to make sure we looked good in front of everyone. 

"Jade you look fine, we had to do this for Bren, so we have to do it for you."
"I know thaaat" she growled. "I just don't wanna go" 

"Come on they'll be some hot girls down there" the door cracked open a bit, and she popped her little head out.
"You think so?" she mumbled, walking out of the room, she looked great, white blouse tucked into her black pants, she wasn't really one for dresses. I didn't wear anything too fancy either, nice jeans, black shirt, leather jacket. they weren't supposed to be looking at me anyway, it was all about Jade tonight. I smiled at her, fixing her hair before I grabbed her hand and walked out of the room. "But they're all gonna look at me"

"They're all gonna look at you inside that octagon to Jadey" she let out a sigh, but knew I was right and we made our way down to the hall. The room was full of tables, and people surrounding each one. I felt Jade tense next to me and I scanned the room for anyone that was familiar to us. 
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN JADE I'VE BEEN LOOKING ALL OVER FOR YOU!" frank yelled, grabbing her hand and running off with her. "they wanna talk to you not me!" I laughed as she looked back at me with a 'help me' look on her face. I scanned the room again, noticing Brendan sitting at a table with an angry looking Tommy, who was more dressed up than he liked to be, Brendan probably made him wear that dress shirt, and I knew for a fact he wanted his t-shirt, but he looked good. Brendan on the other hand dressed like he did last year for Sparta.

I made my way over to the table, and suddenly caught Tommy's attention, who's eyes slightly widened when he saw me. Brendan punched him playfully and Tommy cussed at him, throwing a napkin at him. I smiled at Tommy, who smiled back but it quickly faded when I felt an arm sling around me.

"You look great" Conor laughed, kissing my cheek and walking with me to the table. We sat down with the brothers, Brendan greeting us happily while Tommy crossed  his arms across his chest and avoided eye contact.
"Ah, Franks working Jade to death" Brendan chuckled, and we all turned around to see her and Frank talking to some interviewers.

"So Tommy" Conor started, playing with a fork that was at the table. Tommys hard, stormy eyes met his and he glared at him, not saying anything. "You did this tournament last year, yeah?"

"What the fuck do you think?" he spat, leaning back in his chair.

"Tom-" Brendan started, but caught his words when Tommy' s harsh glare switched to him. He was hostile. But Conor had a mischievous smile on his face, slinging his arm around me after, right when Tommy was looking. His jaw clenched and he looked away.
Jade and Frank joined us at the table, Jade sat on the other side  of me, leaving an empty seat between her and Tommy, beside Tommy was Brendan, and beside Brendan was Frank, then Conor. They handed out salads that Jade devoured quickly, she hasn't eaten all day and I knew she was starving.
"Hey, HEY" Brendan scolded, and Jade looked up from her plate. "Jesus, chew your food"

"Brendan, she's hungry, easy, easy" 
"she's gonna choke!"
"can you two lovers stop arguing I'm trying to fucking eat" Tommy snapped up from his food, shaking his head slowly. I laughed, and Tommy made eye contact with me for a second, smiling at me when I laughed, like he used to when we were kids. Jade continued eating her salad, and I gave her the rest of mine, not feeling too hungry. Conor looked at me, eyebrows furrowed.

"You alright?" he mumbled to me,  I nodded, but in actuality, eating in a hall like this reminded me of how we ate in the army, all of us in one room, like a mess hall, and I swore every time I turned my head I saw Joel, there was a guy walking around with his Mohawk, and it was starting to get to me. Tommy noticed immediately, and would look over every now and then. 

"Hey, sorry I'm late" another voice spoke from behind Conor, her hand tapped his shoulder and he looked up at her.

"Oh, there you are, fuckin late" they laughed, and the blonde sat next to Jade who, when she looked up nearly choked on her salad. 

"I told you" I heard Brendan mumble to frank. Ronda Rousey sat right next to her, and Jade was in shock. Not only did she admire her, but she was the whole reason she fought in the first place, she was what motivated her to keep going. She introduced herself.
"Oh I know who you are" she laughed. "The Conlon brothers from last year, Campana the renowned trainer" she smiled and Jade was string. Ronda looked over at her. " You, you're new, but I watched your interview, you and your marine friend" she smiled at Jade then at me, nodding at me as a greeting. 

"You.. just, you I uh" Jade stuttered as she drank from her water trying to make herself seem less shy "Hi" was all she managed, and Ronda suddenly grinned, and I could tell that Ronda and her were going to get along. 
Throughout the rest of the dinner, Jade and Ronda got to know each other, and Jade was less shy towards her, talking to her like she's known her forever. I didn't remember what they were saying, everyone words kinda zoned out and I stared blankly at the table cloth. I was thinking about Joel too much, how much I wish he was here, I needed Koda, but he was back in the room probably sleeping. I felt myself begin to shake. Conor, Frank and Brendan were talking about Jades first fight and the person she was up against.

Tommy kicked me from across the table gently, and when I looked up at him his eyebrows were furrowed, and he mouthed the words "What's wrong?" I shook my head and looked back down, but he kicked me again, catching my attention. he pressed two fingers to his lips while his eyebrows were furrowed, and old signal he used to use with me in the army when he needed to ask me silently if I needed a smoke to calm down. I nodded and we both stood up.

"Woah, woah, where you goin'?" Conor chuckled grabbing my arm. 
"Just to get some air" 

"Here, I'll go with ya" he stood up and grabbed his jacket. Tommy and I made eye contact but he sat back down, chewing on his toothpick again, glaring at Conor with an animalistic look. 
"Tommy, come on" I smiled at him, wanting him to come to.

"I'm good right here" he spoke coldly, not looking at me.i felt sad, I mean I wanted Tommy to be there with me because he was the only one who made these feelings go away but Conor put his hand on my back and we walked out into the brisk, cold atlantic City air. I pulled out acigarette, leaning against the wall and inhaling the smoke. 

"You alright?" Connor asked, turning to face me, his hands dug into his jacket pockets. I nodded, taking another drag. "Ah. your stressed," he chuckled, leaning on the wall next to me."we'll go down to the bar get some drinks after yeah?" I chuckled.

"Yes please" The doors suddenly opened, and out walked Tommy angrily, noticing me and Conor bur not turning to ackowledge me and stalking away angrily. Brendan came out the door calling after him but Tommy just waved his hand and kept walking. Brendan sighed, running his hands over his face stressfully. "He alright?" I asked, concerned.

"He just got up and left..." Brendan sighed frustrated. "he wont talk to me" suddenly Frank came out the door too.
"Brendan where's Jade?!"
"uh... at the table..." Brendan repled.
"No, see I turn my back for one second to talk good about the trouble maker with the press and shes gone!" he was irritated, and he threw his arms up in the air. I chuckled a bit, that was just Jades nature.

"what do you mean?" Brendan asked confused.

"Frank you're not gonna find her unless she wants you too. if shes with Ronda you just gotta wait for her to come back" I laughed, taking more drags. frank grabbed the cigarette from my mouth and butting it out.

"No smoking" he snarled " and that kids gonna get an ass whooping I swear" he walked off back towards the hotel with Brendan who hugged me before leaving. I laughed, Frank was always stressing. 

Conor wrapped his arm around my waist as him and I made our way now to the little bar inside the city, I figured a few drinks would take the edge off, maybe get my mind off Joel and Tommy.

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