Chapter 50: I'm Pregnant

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I woke up in the middle of the night from Koda licking my face, another vivid nightmare I was torn from. I took a deep breath and kept telling myself it was just a dream. I laid back down and Tommy unconsciously gently wrapped his arm around me pulling my form closer to him, burying his face in my shoulder. He got more sleep nowadays, but he still suffered fro, nightmares, sometimes I could have to just calm him down. Koda curled up on the other side of me as I turned my body to face Tommy, gently running my hand on his face. Right now he was so calm, but at any moment, he could suddenly wake up in a frenzy, fists clench and ready to break something.

The door suddenly slammed from downstairs and my blood turned to ice. Jade and Ronda were surely asleep, weren't they? Koda's head popped up, ears up and alert as he stared at the door of my bedroom. We waited, listening closely for any sort of sounds for intruders. There was no movement, no footsteps, not even the sound of the light switches - silence.

It was then I heard soft weeping coming from downstairs and I froze, Koda was staring at the door again, head tilted in confusion. I shook Tommy awake and he shifted then groaned.

"Tommy! Tommy!" I whispered frantically. eyes opened and he stared at me blankly, confused and tired.

"Ugh Naomi its three In the morning go back to bed" he pulled me down to him and closed his eyes but I sat up immediately.

"Don't you hear the crying?!" My heart was pounding. "Tommy there's a ghost!"

"Naomi-" but he froze too, hearing the soft, sad weeping coming from downstairs. "Jade and Ronda are asleep?" He asked, looking up at my face. I nodded and he ripped the covers up, getting to his feet. His skin glistened against the soft light of the lamp as I turned it on and he pulled on a sweater over his bare chest. "Stay here" he whispered, grabbing the brass knuckles I kept in he drawer on his side. I shook my head and got up. "Naomi-"

"I am coming with you, I'm not staying in here alone." I demanded.

"You have the dog!" He reasoned.

"Yeah but if the weeping demon is down there only he can see it!" Tommy rolled his eyes and we quietly maneuvered our way out of the room, Koda following behind stepping lightly too. We stopped at the top of the stairs, he stood against the wall and I crouched behind him, listening to the weeping that had gotten louder, it didn't sound like Jade. I looked up at Tommy, who signalled with his hand that he would go first and for me to stay close, and I was wiped with a wave of emotion, the same adrenaline and fear I felt on those nights in Iraq when we had to sneak around quietly.

Tommy slowly and silently made his way down the stairs and I trailed behind, making my way in front of him when we got down to the bottom. He grabbed my arm to pull me back but I pulled myself away walking slowly and curiously towards the sound.

"Naomi!" He whispered angrily, trying to call me back but I waved him off, slowly walking into the living room and peeking in. There was a dark figure on the couch, their head in their hands but no more weeping, I stared at it for a moment as it sat in silence. Tommy rushed past, turning on the light immediately and gripping the brass knuckles tightly but we both froze when we saw Ronda look up at us, wiping her red and puffy eyes as she sniffled.

"Ronda...?" I mumbled quietly, slowly walking over to her and throwing my arm around her. She tried to hold her composure but she buried her face into my shoulder, Tommy sat on the reclining chair that Joel would always sit on and he stared at us tiredly. Koda curled up on the other side of Ronda. "Where's Jade?" I asked. Seeing her like is made my heart break, here was someone that I saw as so tough and strong but here she was so raw and sad.

"She.. Fuckin left" she managed to spit out.

"What?! Why?!" She wiped her eyes again but I kept my arm around her.

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