Chapter 52: Everyone Knows

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"You.. You're glowing" Yaxely commented as he sipped from the drink I just served him. I smiled, wiping down the counter.

"Ah hush" I put the bottle back and began mixing drinks for the others, it was pretty busy but it was beginning to die down. I placed my hand on my stomach gently as I leaned back into the bar.

"No... I'm serious, you.. There's something different" he squinted his eyes at me and leaned over the bar a little. He was a regular so he saw me a lot. though we had money now since Jade won the championship, I didn't really need to work, but I loved it here so much I couldn't leave.

"Maybe you're just drinking too much" I laughed, but he continued to look at me, perplexed as he tried to figure out what it was. Little did he know I was pregnant. The only person who knew right now was Conor, he somehow managed to find out before everyone else and drag me to the doctor for clarification, turns out, I was almost six weeks along. I had gained weight, and I wasn't sure if Tommy had noticed yet, and I had no idea how I was going to tell him, and I was afraid as to how he would react.

I haven't even told Jade yet, though I planned to later tonight. It was times like these I wished Joel was here to help me through it. Though, knowing Joel, if he was still around he would open his big mouth and tell Tommy.

Suddenly, the doors opened, and in ran Koda bolting up to the bar and finding his way behind it, right to my side. I thought he would've jumped up and attacked me but instead he sat beside me, and moved with me everywhere I went, I guess Koda knew too. Conor walked in first, came right up to he bar and placed his hand on mine.

"You doing alright, love?" He asked, concern dripping from his voice. I chuckled and nodded, but Tommy had come up to the bar as well, and glared down at Conor's hands on mine then looked furiously up at him before Conor took his hands off and sat down. Tommy leaned over the counter, kissing my cheek gently before sitting next to him. My shift was done soon, and usually when they Came to pick me up, they came early so they could sit and have a few drinks.

I handed them a few beers and smiled as I watched Jade and Ronda walk in, followed by Brendan who I hadn't seen in a while, I ran out of the bar and into his arms and he laughed, holding me tightly. "God it's been so long!" He laughed and pulled himself away, taking a good look at me. His face straightened and his eyebrows furrowed.

He knew.

I chuckled nervously and walked --with Koda at my heels-- back behind fhe bar and served everyone a drink that was on me. Jade and Ronda sat on the other side of Conor, and Jade looked pretty anxious about something. Matt Yaxley slid me a tip and said goodnight to me before walking off. "It's only a half hour more" I assured them, but none of them seemed to care.

"S'alright, lovey, we got the tv and the food and the alcohol" Conor laughed, spoiling himself with a few chips before he stopped himself. Tommy glared at him when he said lovey, but then at me and i could see then that he was so confused. Brendan slung his arm around his distraught little brother and they drank together.

Tommy stood up and cleared his throat, walking towards the door. "Where you going...?" I asked, walking to him with concern in my eyes.

"For a walk" he spoke curtly, and I felt a little hurt. "Do you need anything?" His stormy eyes looked up from the floor and into mine, and I saw a fury within them I haven't seen since manny died. I opened my mouth to speak, but I didn't, I just shook my head. Tommy shoved his hands in his pockets and walked out.

I felt Jade and Ronda's eyes on me as I walked back behind the bar. I knew he was wondering why everyone was weird, I knew I needed to tell him soon. Brendan sipped from his beer, but the four of them stayed quiet. Brendan was staring at me, a smile emerging on his face. Jade was staring at Conor angrily.

"What the fuck us going on?" She spoke to him, folding her arms across her chest. Conor's eyes looked away from her as he sipped from his whiskey saying nothing. She looked at me "well?!" I opened my mouth to speak but Conor fur me off.

"See, Jadey there's... Uh... Well"


"NO!" Both me and Conor yelled, I placed my head in my hands and Conor started laughing. Jade didn't look amused though, and the only reason she wasn't grabbing conic by his shirt and screaming was because Ronda was holding her shoulder.

"Spit it out, lucky charms" Conor laughed again and looked over at me. I sighed deeply, nodding as to give him permission. He rubbed his hands together before looking back at Jade, who's furious eyes were almost as bright as her brothers.

"She's pregnant" he said bluntly, finishing his cup of whiskey and setting the cup down on the counter. Jades eyes widened and Ronda was staring at me smiling.

"I KNEW IT" Brendan laughed "oh my god, Naomi" he was staring at me like I saved his brother from a life of anger, like he was thankful I was around not only for Jade but fir him and Tommy. "That explains why Kodas so protective..." I looked down at the dog who was looking up affectionately.

Jade came behind the counter and pulled me into her arms, holding me tightly. "I'm gonna be an auntie" I laughed and hugged her back. "How far along are you?"

"About six weeks" Conor answered "went with her to her doctors appointment" jades smile faltered a bit and she looked into my eyes.

"You haven't told a Tommy, have you?" My smile faded and I shook my head. In all honesty I was scared. What if he ran away again? What if he didn't want this yet-- or at all?

"What... What if he doesn't..." Brendan stopped me before I finished my sentence, shaking his head.

"Tommy loves you more than anything, I've never seen him act the way he does towards anything but you." Everyone started to help clean up around the bar, as they usually did when They picked me up from closing. Stacking the chairs on he table, bringing me cups and wiping down tables. But I could barely focus, I was so distraught.

"This is different Brendan, this is his child" Brendan couldn't help but smile at the thought of Tommy being a father.

"Yeah, but it's with the one person he'd want it to be with" He placed his hands on my shoulders but I turned away to grab my jacket, shaking my head. Conor walked up to me, wrapping his arms around me and holding me to him, he knew how scared I was, we talked about it on the way to the doctor, and Jade wasn't saying much because she knew too. As much as she wanted to reassure me he would stay, we never really knew we Tommy. I felt myself beginning to cry into Conor's chest as Koda whimpered at my feet.

But before anyone could say anything to me, Tommy walked in. Freezing in his tracks as he looked at all of us staring at him, Brendan who was smiling at him. He furrowed his eyebrows at him. Jade didn't say anything, and I was thankful. His eyes locked on me now as I pulled away from Conor, tears in my eyes.

"What happened?!" Tommy yelled, grabbing my shoulders a little rougher than he planned too, causing Koda to start barking at him. I shook my head but he stared into my eyes, the fury fading and being replaced with fear and concern. "Naomi..." I pushed off of him and walked out into the cool air.

Slowly, the others came outside and we piled into the two cars. Conor kissed my head and headed off on his own way, saying he'd come visit later. Jade, Ronda and Brendan got in his Car while me and Tommy stayed in his. The whole ride home he tried to get me to talk, but every time I tried I found myself choking, so the car ride remained silent. He held my hand tightly the whole way home, and Koda sat in the back, staring at me protectively.

"Are you okay?" He finally asked, turning his head towards me. I nodded as he turned onto the highway. "Are you lying to me?" I shook My head. "Is there something going on with you and Conor?" I shook my head but I know he was skeptical "Naomi please talk to me" I stared out the window, wanting so bad to tell him but I could make the words out. He sighed, and held onto me still, rubbing my hand with his thumb.

"I love you, Tommy" was all I could say.

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