Chapter 20 (fly, fly away)

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HARRY'S (POV)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kate was asleep on my lap, her head on my shoulder and arms wrapped around me. I lifted her up and laid her down on the couch, beside me, and walked to go inside the hospital room. My eyes filled with tears, but i held them back. Louis was my best friend, and now had had a 50% chance of recovering from his coma.

The hospital room was white, and smelt like medicine and dust. Yes, it was so blank it smelled of dust. There were 10 different IV tubes attached to louis arms. His face was still and there was a big bandage wrapped around his forehead. The hospital gown covered his chest and the blanket was brought up to his armpits. The heart rate monitor was beeping loudly, showing he was still alive.

There were some fake flowers beside the table. The nurses must have put them there. The clock showed 5:30 pm. I walked over to the side of my best friends bed and touched his hand. It was still warm, proving more so that he was alive. But not here. Fuck, i hate this.

"Louis, lad, if you can here me, we need you to come back. Sometime soon would be nice. Especially for me. Lou, i feel closer to you then any of the other boys. Without you, there is no one direction, there is no future for our band, and the world will lose someone who doesn't deserve to leave. I have to be tough, and not cry but Lou. Promice me one thing. Come back. Don't leave. And when you come back, stay." I started to get up.

The tears in my eyes were gently falling down my cheeks. I looked down at his body. I noticed something move in the corner. I heard a groan and turned around. I looked into the corner, and could hear something. "Hello?" I whispered, sounding crazy.

No answer. Im going nuts. I turned towards the door when i heard it again. This time a pen was floating in mid air. Like this is crazy. I went up to touch it, to see if it was real. I grabbed it but something pulled it back. I felt a hand on my wrist, it was cold, like cold air. I couldn't see it. I freaked out and jumped back. "HARRY!" I heard someone yell.

"Louis?" I asked. That definitely sounded like him. The pen moved in the air. It drew a word on the wall. It read one note at a time. "It is me, louis. I am a thingy that cant touch anything except plastic. I need your help." It read. I freaked out. I ran acros the room and curled up into a ball by the door. I squeezed my eyes shut and pinched myself over and over again. But i wouldn't wake up. Louis was here, as a spirit.

"Louis, go back to your body and wake up! Don't just float around!" I screamed at the wall quietly. Another word was written, "i cant! I need your help, hazza please" it read. I looked over at louis lifeless body, on the bed. But somehow his inside self was over there. Oh shit. Crap, mother of all British empires. This is bad.

"Louis, you need to tell Liam, and kate and Mandy for god sake. What about Mandy. She is a emotionless wreck right now, honestly louis." I started crying. He was alive, outside his body, and trapped from getting inside. Oh shit.

"I tried hazza" the words spelled out again. I took out my iPhone and took a quick picture, and sent it to Liam. Not Mandy, she probably couldn't handle it. Liam came into the door the next second. He looked at me, then the wall.

"Harry, why, who, how, the hell is this. Why did you do that!" He asked me.

"Liam, this is going to be hard, but i didn't do it. Louis spirit did. Liam didn't move.

"Lou?" Liam called out. The words were spelt again, but on the floor.

"Liam, its me, you've got to help me." It read. Oh crap.

"What do we do??" Liam complained and sat down in the side chair shocked.

I honestly didn't know. I give up. Louis, is alive and cant get back to the real world. I couldn't get over it. All of a suddenly the heart rate monitor went to zero and louis body started shaking, his real one. I screamed and so did Liam. 3 nurses came running in, 1 lead us out of the room. What happened in there???.

Fly, fly awayWhere stories live. Discover now