Chapter 8

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I drove back home not paying any attention to the road in front of me. My thoughts were still replaying my first stolen kiss over and over again. Even though this was hands down the best day of my nonsocial teenage life, I couldn't let things get any farther with Zane. It was much too risky and I'm not the lying, sneaky type. If anyone found out about him I would be a goner. I also didn't want to get the poor boy in trouble its not his fault I have so many rules to follow. 

It was hitting the 5 o'clock mark when I arrived home from my date. Wow, I still cant believe I just went on my first date. I said the word date over, over, and over again in my head till I noticed I started to say it out loud.




"My first date." I can still feel butterflies in my stomach.

I park my car in the driveway opening the front door as I turn the engine completely off. I head to the house composing myself because I didn't want to seem suspicious to anyone. 

I made it past the foyer and living room before I spotted a breathing soul. Neena, my mothers nanny since she was a little girl was sitting on the couch knitting a teapot cover. She looked up as I stumbled  across her giving me the biggest smile, while her eyes scrunched up so you couldn't see them anymore. My heart felt full when I was around her, she was much to adorable for her own good.

Neena was my now non-biological grandmother, she grew up with me since the day I was born. We used to spend every day together, baking, cleaning, knitting, or just running around the house playing hide and seek. Now shes gotten much to old to do anything besides tell stories of her rough childhood. She is at the breaking point of turning 90, I guess you can say its our turn to take care of her. The thing is I never had the courage to ask her about her real family. Whenever my mother would ask she would always brush it off or change the subject so she never pushed further. We just leave it at that.

I give my nanny a big bear hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Love you Neena." I say stepping back.

She sets her knitting supplies down and opens her arms out for another hug. I eagerly copy and hug her again making it last longer. She pushes my hair behind my ears and kisses my forehead.

"I love you more sweetie, but you smell." She says out of thought with a look of a thinking face.

"I-I-I was at the beach, plenty of fish and what not." I say laughing and feeling completely freaked out by the thought maybe she might think something was up.

"Oh yes your certainly right. Well then, go shower and get ready for bed you have a big day tomorrow." She says reaching out for a different color of yarn.

I nod my head and give her a big smile before exiting the room. I head up the stairs and go straight to my room not even checking if anyone else was home.  

It also just occurred to me I was starting my first day of work tomorrow, bright and early.

i locked my door and headed to my connected bathroom turning on the shower and stripping off all my clothes. The water still needed to heat up so while I was waiting I checked myself out in the mirror. C'mon you cant say you don't do it. I liked how I looked. I mean I could use a tan but that would have to wait till later. 

I got in the steaming shower, shaved, shampooed, conditioned, and repeated all in fifteen minutes. Almost slipping on the wet tiled floor on the way out I grabbed an extra towel to dry my hair. Feeling squeaky clean I got dressed and turned to my closet to face the hardest decision. My first work outfit.

My outfit had to be professional yet sophisticated with a side of wow factor. Great first impressions are key. I scrummaged my closet for a good thirty minutes before finally deciding on something. 

When I felt comfortable with my pick I set my alarm and went straight to bed not wanting to be late for my first day. 

My first day of work also meant I would get to see Zane. The kiss came back into my mind occupying all my thoughts till I fell asleep dreaming about tomorrow.


"Beep beep. Beep beep. Beep beep."

My alarm clock. Great.

I sit up out of bed shutting the alarm off before it starts to go off in the next four minutes. I stay in bed for another two minutes before getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom to wash up. As I'm walking out I feel a slap of cold air hit my bare legs making me jump and shiver. It is much to early for this right now. 

I get in the bathroom brush my teeth, wash my face, and apply makeup before heading back out to get dressed. I feel ready to concur anything at this point. 

I put on my new beige thong and a matching bra from Victoria's Secret, knowing with this color I can wear anything without my undergarments showing. I wiggle into my new tight white skirt from Express and a matching blazer from Banana Republic on top of my red button down blouse tucked into the skirt showing I mean pure business. Adding my nude stiletto heels gave me the wow factor I was going for I hoped. I went to my jewelry armoire and picked out pearl earrings with a matching necklace. I checked myself out one more time before heading downstairs shaking out my now dried hair from my ponytail to give me volume and waves.

Already knowing my father left an hour ahead of me I go downstairs to see if my mother is awake yet. Trying not to make too much noise on the marble floors I head to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. Even though it's not from Rob, I dont have the time to drive an hour there and back and still make it to work on time, so whatever I'm making now will have to do. As I fill my cup I pop a piece of toast in the toaster. Turning around facing the kitchen table I notice no one is awake to send me off on my first day. Not even my own mother. 

i feel a little sad, but I dont have time for that. I grab my coffee and my now crispy toast and head out the door checking my makeup in one of the side mirrors in the foyer. I think I look pretty good, I feel good as well. 


I'm now sitting in the car parked right outside my fathers office. I havent seen Zane's car yet so I'm guessing he isnt here probably because I'm ten minutes early. I just didnt want to be late on the first day ya know? I take a deep breath in and let it out slowly.

"Alright Layla, you can do this." I say stepping out of the car with my bag and coffee in hand. I start heading towards the front door looking back out to freedom for the last time today. No chickening out now. I can do this. I can do this.

"Oh my, I can't do this." I say standing in front of the doors to the office about to turn back and run for my life.

At least I was going to until the door opened, which I didnt even notice myself openeing and a red headed lady smiled up at me from the other side. I don't think I have ever seen her before, I mean I have been to my fathers office a couple of times but each time he had a new scheduler, so she must be a new one. She looked seemingly nice possibly around the age of 33.

"You must be Layla. Please come on in. Your father is waiting for you upstairs in his office." The red head says closing the door  and beckoning for me to follow her.

She heads to the gold colored elevators and pushes the button signaling to go up. I stand awkwardly at her side not saying a word rocking back and forth in my heels.

As the elevator chimed telling us it has arrived I follow the lady inside patiently waiting for it to close and take us up, I can already feel today is going to be hell.

What was I thinking? 

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