Chapter 14

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"Oh hey Rick, can I help you with something?" I say opening my office door. I didn't want to deal with any of this right now. I just wanted to bundle up behind my desk and get the day over with already. 

"Well yeah, I mean you did just run out of the break room as if someone was going to murder you or something. I just wanted to make sure you were all right." He says looking me in the eye with a caring glance. It was sweet of him to check on me, but I really wanted him to leave so the simplest answers would do the trick, at least I hope. 

"Thanks Rick, but I'm fine. Go back and enjoy the rest of your break." I say stepping into my office door a little more at a time.

He looks at me and scratches his head with a nervous twitch in his body posture. Good god there's more.

"I was actually also wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me this weekend?" Rick says all in one rush. "I mean if you cant that's fine, but I was just yeah know not doing anything and I just wanted to see if you weren't doing anything...and yeah." He says all in one jumble. I didn't get most of it, but I had to set him straight right then and there. One boy was more than enough for me to handle right now.

I look at Rick with a sympathetic expression. "Rick, that's very sweet of you and I am truly grateful, but  I cant. I'm sorry." I say finally stepping all the way into my office. I start to close the door a little even though I was being rude, but I couldn't help the fact I was terrible at situations like these.

"Okay, how about next week then?" He says not giving up in the slightest bit.

"Err, I'm sorry, but no. I just, I have this policy where I don't date coworkers." I lie knowing all the well coworkers my ass was the least of my issues. 

"Oh I see, well maybe if you change your mind then just stop by my office I guess. Talk to you later Layla." Rick says with defeat in his voice and retreats back the way he came. 

I take a deep breath in and out feeling extremely uncomfortable with myself. I hated to be mean, yet I didn't want to be known as the company slut for already snagging two of the finer guys in the first two days. It just was not right especially because the relationship thing wasn't going to work out. 

I'm about to close my door the rest of the way when I see someone at the end of the hall staring right at me. I open the door and see Zane with an expression I cant read. I wonder what he was doing...probably snooping on me or something. Its not like he owns me or anything. That kiss wasn't even that good. Okay who am I kidding his kisses were the best Ive had, actually the only ones Ive had. Geesh, I need to get a hold of myself. I'm going crazy. 

I fix my thoughts and fully close my door locking it from habit. I retreat to my desk and begin the rest of my work. I want to finish as fast as possible without any disruptions. But the way things are going right now with Zane's face swimming into my head I cant focus on anything. Maybe a nap would help things a bit. I check the time and see I still have a good thirty min. Nap time it is. I put my head down on the desk and snooze away letting all of today's worries float right out of my mind. 


A bang from the room next door sends me awake and my heart thumping out of my chest. I start to notice my surroundings forgetting I had taken a nap. I get up, but feel sore not knowing why because I had only slept for thirty minutes. I wonder around trying to stretch my limbs not knowing they hurt so bad. I accidentally hit my computer mouse in the process and it wakes my computer up. I look at the screen, but just as fast look right back noticing the time. I surely did not sleep for no thirty minutes, I slept for the rest of the work day. Oh god! I hope no one came in, no that's impossible my door was locked. I quickly pack my stuff up and start to close out all the spreadsheets I had up knowing I would have to do tons of make up work the next day. Before everything is set the same bang came again from next door. With my all too snoopy curiosity I get up from my desk and head out to see what the noise was coming from. I walk into the hall way and the first thing I notice is the lights in the office are dimmed down. 

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