Chapter 12

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I stay in my office the rest of the day. Refusing to my father's protests to eat lunch with him and the rest of the crew, I simply stay put. I'm much too embarrassed to look anyone in the eyes right now, even if they have no clue what I have done it still doesn't matter.

"Layla, stop being so stubborn. It's your first day and I want you to join us." My father says sitting in one of my chairs.

"I honestly prefer to eat lunch alone dad it helps me think better." I say lying through my teeth.

"You know what fine. If you want to eat in here alone, all by yourself, be my guest. I have people to entertain." And with that my father got up and left. Slamming the door behind him.

I slam my head against my desk numerous times for all the stupidity I've done today. Why can't this day end?

A knock on the door sent me jumping out of my chair. I wasn't expecting anyone and the fact I haven't come out of my office for quit some type meant I didn't want to be bothered. Obviously whoever was on the other side didn't get the memo.

"Come in." I say rudely.


"Come in." I say louder this time.

Still nothing.

I get up very impatiently and walk to the door about to kill the person behind it.

No one was there except laying on the floor was a protein bar. I bent down to pick it up noticing there was a note attached.


Huh, someone definitely knew I haven't left this place. I had a feeling of who left me my new treat too. I look around seeing if anyone was watching me. My right, then my left, both clear. I stand back up with the protein bar in hand and walk slowly backwards into my office closing the door shut. I rest my back against the door and slide to the floor sprawling my feet out in front of me. I kick off my heels and can already feel the unwanted blisters. 

I take deep breathes in and out. Slowly calming myself down I rip the top of the bar and take a huge chunk into my mouth. I chomp on the nuttiness not liking the flavor. I turn the cover over seeing 'Vanilla Bean.' Ew gross. Whoever gave me this bar surely didn't have good taste. I keep eating it though, because I can finally hear the grumbling in my stomach. I had to figure out what I could do to avoid the lunch room at all costs. Bringing my food from home was a must, now that I think about it. Even if the company received free food, I didn't want it.

The rest of the day went by in one big massive blur. I stay an extra ten minutes just so I didn't have to face anyone, especially Zane. It would have been awkward if we left at the same time. 

I walk out of my office and lock the door. I take a look at my surrounding already noticing Zane's door was open, but no lights were on signaling he had left for the day. Letting out a breath I didn't know I was keeping in, I take my time down the small flight of stairs. I was in my office for at least four straight hours. I needed the slow walk I was getting. The rest of the employees had already left for the day, I had just found out through email they get off a whole hour earlier then me, Tori, and Zane. I didn't mind, because being in those deathly cubicles was surely a hard task.

I finally get downstairs to where Amanda works. She was someone I need to try and avoid at all possible costs. Thankfully she left for the day. I don't think I mind staying a little later, especially if I didn't have to see anyone. 

I walk outside to the parking lot and notice only five cars are left. Seems like I'm not the only one using the late, avoiding people technique as well. Or maybe like normal people they were probably trying to get work done, and staying overtime. 

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