Chapter 3

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I wake up feeling tired and sore. Today wasn't going to be that great I could just feel it. I reached out and grabbed my alarm clock checking the time, 8:30, much to early for a new high school graduate.

I took hold of a large lump of my comforter and threw it off me. It was the reason I practically couldn't breathe last night. It was big, heavy, and thick. Terrible combination for an almost summer day. It also doesn't help that my parents don't know the obvious use of a thermostat, their Arabs, so they are really used to the heat. They think it's a man-made tool only used to scam them of their money. Unlike me, I like my air cool, not scorching hot.

I sit in bed for another ten minutes not looking or thinking about anything. Just sitting, staring.

Another ten minutes passed before I actually get up and head to my phone on my desk. Hopefully I will have better luck this time I prayed. I open the lid shakily and glue my eyes to the screen.

Nothing. Again.

What was wrong with this dude? Has he not tried to get a girl before? Or maybe the reason he didn't call me yet was because he didn't want to seem too eager and desperate. He probably wanted to play it cool, or wanted to not seem like he was whipped, or...not wanted to call at all I thought gloomy. Am I really that hideous he never wanted to talk to me again? I mean our long talk at the beach says otherwise. I think.

I got over my disappointment and checked my phone for the other calls and texts I received. Let's see, two calls from the lovely grandmother, and five texts from Dana, my supper talkative almost to the point of annoyance, best friend. I'm to lazy to call and text them back. I'll make sure to do it later I thought closing my phone shut.

I walk to my bathroom and look in the mirror.  Messy hair, crusty eyes, and a whole lot of stank breath. Lovely.

I quickly brush my teeth and turn the shower on. I cant wait to let the hot water hit my sore stressed body. I spit the toothpaste out of my mouth and feel the new minty taste. Stripping into nothing I spot a big bruise on my stomach. Crap, that's probably from climbing the tree yesterday. I love messing with bruises, seeing if it hurts or not. 

I get in the now steaming shower and quickly wash up. I would love to take my sweet time, but I know that would be wasting water. I still remember my biology teacher from freshman year giving me a lecture on the earth's resources, and how we shouldn't take advantage of them. To bad I only caught the last five seconds of it and nodded my head yes to everything else.

I got out and dried myself feeling refreshed. I added some makeup and headed to my closest.

Today I planned on going back to the beach. It's very unlikely I will see Zane again, but it never hurts to try. I think I'm going overboard with this. I'm obsessed with this guy. It doesn't matter anyway, I wanted my coffee from my favorite cafe.

I chose a black thermal top, my favorite dark skinny jeans and some black converses. Plain and casual.

I headed downstairs knowing I still had that little late talk with my parents. Hopefully they will just bicker and nod their finger a thousand times. It was so much better than actually being grounded.

"Morning everyone." I say walking into the kitchen looking at my parents and little brother having breakfast together.

"Morning! Where are my late presents?" Omar says with a big grin.

Shit. I forgot I had to buy him ten more, plus the one I was supposed to buy him. Man, I'm just going to have to trick him by buying eleven 25 cent gumballs at the drugstore. He wont know the difference.

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