Chapter 7

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He said we were going on a date. Since when did our small lunch, as friends, turn into a date?

"Z-zane, you know us going out right now, as friends, is not a date." I say slowly making sure he heard every word clearly.

Zane turned his head from the road and looked at me. His blond hair fell into his eyes, making him look like a kid, who just got rejected a toy. My heart suddenly clenched at how mean I sounded. I wish I could take back what I said. I felt like a bitch

"I-I-I mean it can be one, it's just you never said it." I say trying to cover up my mistake.

"Layla, this place I'm taking you, it's surely date material. So for just this time, I'm taking you on one." He says smiling warmly at me. Oh, he looked so damn cute when he did that.

"Okay, then it's a date." I say smiling back. Never in my life would I ever think I would say those words to anyone. Better yet, a guy.

"Good, but can you do me a favor and leave the chair alone? It never did anything to you, and never will either." He says joking.

I didn't understand what he meant until I looked at my hands. Surely enough they were digging into his car chair in a death grip. I didn't even notice I was doing that. Was I that shy around him?

I let go quickly and rested my hands in my lap, where they cant do anymore damage.

"Sorry." I say quietly looking down.

Zane laughed loudly shaking the car.

I looked at him like he was insane. Why did he laugh like that?

"Why are you laughing like a lunatic?" I ask raising my eyebrow the slightest.

"Well, for starters when I told you to let go of my chair you freaked out, and then your face looked like a child who was caught doing something they weren't supposed to. Just way too cute. I'm not going to punish you Layla, unless you want me to." He says winking at me smiling.

I giggled at how stupid I must have looked.

"Well, I'm happy I have become your personal laughing stock." I say looking out the window pretending to be hurt. Two can play that game.

"Awe, cmon, I didn't mean to laugh at you, it's just your such an easy target. I promise I will be on my best behavior the rest of the night." Zane says looking apologetic.

I shake my head back and forth. Not giving in that easily.

Zane didn't say anything for five minutes. The car was in complete silence besides the engine running. He would look at me and then turn his head back to the road.

"Want a cookie?" He says looking at me again with a straight face.

I burst out laughing. I couldn't keep from going crazy at that comment, and his face was priceless.

"You jerk! I'm supposed to be mad at you." I say still laughing.

"Not my fault you cant keep it in." He says still keeping the same emotionless face on.

This was true.

"Can I get that cookie?" I ask trying to match his seriousness.

"Let me think about it. No." He says cracking a hint of a smile.

"Did the tables just turn here? Last time I checked I was supposed to be mad at you, not the other way around." I say thinking how that happened.

"Sorry to brake it to you hun, but you just weren't cut out for the being mad at someone thing. Just leave that to me and we'll call it a day." He says smirking at me.

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