Chapter 10

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The door opened all the way revealing who was behind it. Not who I was expecting at all. 

A petite woman walks in giving me and my father a once over, and then a small smile that shows a right dimple. She looks fairly nice so far, but you never know until people show their true colors.  So my judgment about her wont be made up till later that's for sure. Thoughts of Amanda are starting to pop up in my empty head. Ehhh.

"Hello, I hope I'm not late." The girl says looking nervous while closing the door behind her.

My father stands up and walks around his desk. He snakes out a hand in front of the petite.

The older girl shakes my fathers hand in return.

"Your perfectly fine. Your just in time actually. We are still waiting for our last newbie." My father jokes with the now really fidgety blond.

I get up out of my chair and stand next to my dad copying his exact movements. My new partner looks my way finally acknowledging my presence. She smiles that same right dimple smile and returns the shake. 

"I'm Layla Zenzoul, and your new partner. It's a pleasure meeting you." I say giving the girl a big pearly white smile. Well at least I hope I have pearly white teeth. It would kinda suck if I didn't, reminds me to get a dentist appointment soon.

"I'm very pleased to meet you. My name is Tori Annunziata." Tori says pushing a blond stray hair behind her ear. 

Tori was beautiful. Petite like I was saying, short blond hair. She was actually rocking a bob cut. Impressive. Her outfits impression wasn't disappointing either. Sleek black khakis, tucked in a green ruffled blouse, black blazer, and red heels. This girl new style. I wonder where she's from. I don't remember seeing her at the welcome party my father hosted at the house last week.

"So your probably just as excited as I am this morning, huh?" I say trying to start a conversation while we waited on Zane to arrive.

"More like an anxious mess to be exact." She says with a nervous laugh.

"Dont worry one bit ladies, I can assure you the time you spend with this company will be an experience you will never forget." I know my father is only really saying this to Tori to calm her down a bit. 

"I hope so." I say walking to the mini fridge my new boss has in his office. I open the little door and reach for a bottled water. "Anyone else want one?" 

"I'm fine, thank you Layla." My father says retreating back behind his desk.

"I'll pass, thank you for the offer." Tori says in one rush.

I close the fridge door and stand back up.

"I'll have one if you don't mind. Its warm in the building, no?" A man's voice says from across the room.

I know all to well it's Zane. Way to announce an arrival. I squat back down to get his water curious to see him in work attire. I turn around and gasp. He's even more handsome today then the last time I saw him.

Zane was in a white buttoned down shirt tucked in some black loose khaki pants. He was also wearing a black tie that hung slightly askew just like his tousled blond hair that fell into his eyes  making him look carefree. I envied him right now. His facial expression was so mellow, he was obviously not as nervous as me or Tori. 

I walk across the room to where Zane was standing near the door. I planted my feet right in front of his black shiny shoes and look him straight in the eye. The same green ones that yet still amaze me, keep our eyes locked in a gaze. I break off first looking straight at his lips. I want to feel them on mine again so badly, but I know I could never do that again. I didn't notice my face leaning into his before I heard a deep cough. 

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