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“That’s not reassuring.” Evelyn said, as they walked towards the hole in the wall where the doors used to be.

Asmodeus shrugged. “It is the truth. We have no idea how far past our defenses the rebels have penetrated, so we have no knowledge of any place that is safe and will stay that way.” He said as they neared the exit and stopped Leviathan leaning against the wall with her bloody sword still in her hand.

“Where you heading to now?” Leviathan asked Asmodeus, stepping off the wall walking towards him and Evelyn.

“I’m going to find a safe place for Evelyn. What are heading off to do Leviathan?” Asmodeus asked as they started walking down the empty hallways.

“I’m going on a killing spree.” Leviathan announced as if that was the most natural thing in the world for her to do and then see turned to look at Asmodeus. “If you are looking for a safe place to stash the human why not try the tailor’s room?”

Asmodeus looked thoughtful. “That could work.” He said, thinking about it.

“What’s so special about Acesah’s room?” Evelyn asked.

“That room is his domain, and he has complete dominion over whatever happens in there. Within the four walls of that room his word is law and I pity any fool that would dare intrude on his space with ill intentions.” Leviathan told her.

“Oh.” Evelyn said, just as they came to an intersection and the sounds of fighting could be heard coming one end of the intersection.

Leviathan turned towards the noise. “It’s time to go hunting.” She said, and then turned and walked down the hall towards the battle. When she turned the corner, and was no longer visible, screams joined the sounds of fighting and Leviathan’s laughter floated down the hall.

Asmodeus shook his head. “Come on; let’s go get your weapon.” He said, walking in the opposite direction that Leviathan went. They walked for a bit and then turned one last corner and came to Asmodeus’s room, where there were no sign of the rebels.

“It thankfully doesn’t look like the rebels have made it this far.” Asmodeus said as he opened the room door. Once they had stepped inside and Asmodeus had locked the door Evelyn hurried over to the bedside table to retrieve her weapon.

“It’s still here.” She said, relieved.

“Of course it is.” Asmodeus said, putting down his sword and letting it lean against the wall. “I would suggest you change into something more comfortable. I doubt you want to run around in a dress and heels all night long.”

Evelyn made a face as she looked down at the dried blood on her dress. “Good point.” She said as she walked into walked into the closet and picked up a black shirt along with a pair of jeans and sneakers, and then she went into the bathroom to change.

She didn’t walk very far into the bathroom she caught her reflection in the mirror above the sink. There were even more changes in her reflection in the short period of time since she had last seen it. Her hair was even darker and her skin even paler but the most startling change was in her eyes. They were an even darker shade of sapphire; darker than the dress she currently wore, whose hue was selected to match her eye color. But that wasn’t the most startling change, that title went to the fact that her eyes were now reflective. When the light hit them just right they flashed, just like a cat’s eyes.

“What in the world?” Evelyn asked in low tones as she leaned closer and braced her hands on the sides of the sink to get a better look at her eyes.

“Jeez.” She said; staring at the reflection and running a hand through her hair, which felt smoother and silkier than ever before and it was now down to her chest. As she brought her hand back down onto the sink she knocked over a dish of soap and, moving on instinct, she grabbed it before it could fall and placed it back on the sink in a move so fast her hand burred and before she had even registered the fact that she had hit the soap.

“How’d I do that?” Evelyn wondered, staring at her hand that was still holding the soap dish. She continued to stare and wonder at the changes happening in her body before she shook her head, turned her back on her reflection and changed.

“I’m ready.” Evelyn said, walking out of the bathroom while strapping the tantō to her belt.

“Good.” Asmodeus said as he took off his suit jacket and threw it on the bed.

“Wait, what about your wound”” Evelyn asked as Asmodeus leaned over to pick up his sword.

“It has healed.” Asmodeus said, examining the layer of dried blood on the sword.

“Really?” Evelyn asked skeptically.

“Yes, do you want to check?” Asmodeus asked her, amusement clear in his voice.

“I think I do.” Evelyn said, walking towards him.

“Have fun.” Asmodeus said, turning around and showing Evelyn his back.

Evelyn walked closer until she could get a better look at his back and when she did she stared in wonder. The cut was gone and all there was in its place was smooth unblemished skin, in fact you wouldn’t have known he had suffered a wound if it wasn’t for the giant slice through his shirt and the blood surrounding it. Evelyn touched the smooth skin in amazement.

“Has it passed your inspection?” Asmodeus asked her, still facing the other direction.

“How did it heal so fast?” Evelyn asked, lowering her hand and stepping back.

“I’m a demon and a healer. It happens naturally.” Asmodeus said as he turned around.

“Hey wasn’t your sword completely covered in blood before?” Evelyn asked, pointing at the now perfectly clean weapon Asmodeus held in his hands.

“I removed it.” Asmodeus said simply.

“How?” Evelyn asked.

In answer Asmodeus raised his hand and summoned the wind. The wind began to swirl around the two of them and became a mini tornado before slowly dying down. “Air.” Asmodeus said, lowering his hand. “So are you ready to go?” He asked her.

Evelyn nodded. “Yeah.”

“Good.” He said, taking a step forward and picking her up. “Time is of the essence.” He said, and then he moved. Evelyn, expecting it this time, closed her eyes and only opened then the sensation of rapid movement ended.

Evelyn looked around as Asmodeus put her down in front of a closed door. “Are the rebels anywhere close by?” She asked Asmodeus.

“No, they haven’t managed to get this far yet and hopefully never will.” Asmodeus said, and then he turned and knocked on the closed door. It opened a short time later to reveal Acesah with his tape measure still draped around his neck.

“What is it?” Acesah asked.

“I came to ask if you would provide Evelyn sanctuary until I can return for her.” Asmodeus said, with a hand on Evelyn’s back and pushing her slightly forward.

“Of course.” Asecah said, opening the door wider. “Come in.” He told Evelyn.

Evelyn took one step forward but before she could take another Asmodeus wrapped an arm around her waist and spun her around.

“Stay safe.” He told her, putting a hand on cheek and lifting her face up to look at him, then he brought his lips down and they kissed slow sweet. “And don’t leave the room.” Asmodeus said after they stopped, and then he disappeared.

Evelyn blinked and stared at the spot that Asmodeus just occupied.

“I think you should come inside now.” Acesah said from behind her.

“Okay.” Evelyn said, turning around and walking into the room. “What are we going to do while we wait?”

“Have you ever played the game chess?” Acesah asked Evelyn as he closed the door behind her and walked farther into the room.


I just found it really amusing that usher and his there goes my baby came on when I was typing the last part, hehe 'waiting all day to wrap my hands around your waist and kiss your face'

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