Lessons Drenched In Blood

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“Are you just going to stand there or you going to come over here and play?” Asceah asked, once Asmodeus had left and returned to fighting and Evelyn was left staring at the closed door.

Evelyn reluctantly turned around to face Acesah. “Do I have to? I’m just going to keep losing.”

“Practice makes perfect, so it’s time to practice.”

Evelyn sighed but nonetheless went and sat down in front of the chess board. “I’m still white, so I play first right?”

Acesah nodded in the affirmative.

 Evelyn stared at the board and finally moved her center pawn two places forward.

Acesah copied her move. Evelyn moved her knight and Acesah did the same thing. Evelyn shot him an annoyed look and he just smiled back innocently. They continued this back and forth until Acesah finally broke out of the pattern when he moved his bishop into position to take her king.

“Checkmate.” Acesah leaned back in his seat.

“Wha-? How’d you do that?” Evelyn asked, staring incredulously at the board.

“Skill.” Acesah waved a hand over the board and the all pieces rearranged themselves on the board.

Evelyn stared at the board in amazement.

“Again.” Acesah said.

Evelyn shook off her stupor and made the first move, all the while in the back of her mind wondering if she would be able to do that trick.


After the fourth lose in a row Evelyn’s frustration grew to such a level where she was just about to knock all the pieces off the chest table when Acesah raised his head, looked over Evelyn’s shoulder and smiled.

Evelyn turned around to see the door wide open and Leviathan leaning against the doorframe. She was covered in blood from head to toe and even though she had changed into a shirt and jeans since the last time Evelyn had seen her she managed to completely drench this outfit in blood as well.

“Hey guys.” Leviathan said as she walked over to them, her sword dripping blood all the way there. “Playing chess I see.”

“More like losing at it.” Evelyn mumbled.

“Care to play?” Acesah asked Leviathan, extending a hand to indicate the board.

“Sure.” Leviathan told him. “Get up.”  She said to Evelyn.

More than happy to oblige Evelyn quickly got up and stepped to the side, allowing Leviathan to take her seat.

“The usual stakes?” Leviathan asked Acesah as she lowered herself onto the chair and leaned her bloody sword against the table.

Acesah nodded as the board rearranged itself and the Leviathan made the first move.

Evelyn carefully watched the match between Leviathan and Acesah for any helpful clues on how to improve her own game and hopefully win a match. After Acesah and Leviathan had both captured three pieces each and it was Leviathan’s turn to play, Evelyn felt an arm wrap around her waist and draw her towards a warm, muscled body.

“How’s the battle going?” Evelyn asked Asmodeus.

“Good.” He replied. “They have now realized that it is a pointless battle that they were destined to lose so they are now in retreat. But they will not be allowed to escape.”

“So they will all be killed.”

Asmodeus nodded. “The best lessons are those that stay with you and those are leanred drenched in blood.”

Evelyn slowly nodded her head and, swallowing her gorge, focused back on the game as Asmodeus rested his chin on her head.

“I see Leviathan and Acesah are playing chess.” Asmodeus said.

Evelyn nodded.

“I assume you got tired of it.” Asmodeus voice was amused as Leviathan finally made her move.

Evelyn made a face. “Losing is not fun; always losing is enough to make me go crazy.”

Asmodeus chuckled. “What about practice makes perfect and all that?”

“I’ll practice later, but anyway what are you and Leviathan doing here? Shouldn’t you two be fighting?”

“We’re letting the mice scurry around and try to hide or escape before we demonstrate how much of a futile gesture that is.”

“That’s kind of cruel.”

“Drenched in blood. But aren’t you happy to see me? Didn’t you miss me?”

“N-No I didn’t” Evelyn turned bright red.

Asmodeus chuckled against Evelyn’s hair. “Liar.” He whispered before kissing her shoulder. Evelyn shivered. “Are you sure you didn’t miss me?” Asmodeus’s breath tickled her skin.

“Y-Yeah I’m sure.” Evelyn managed to get out.

Asmodeus laid a line of kisses up her neck to her jaw bone. “Still sure?”

Evelyn just nodded, her voice failing her.

Asmodeus spun her around and brought his face down until their lips almost touched. “Still sure?” Asmodeus asked, causing their lips to brush against each other.

Evelyn nodded, causing their lips to touch again.

“Pity.” Asmodeus said, staring into her eyes for a second before finally lowering his head until their lips touched fully.

Evelyn felt blood rush to her face and heart start to beat faster as Asmodeus titled her head to deepen the kiss. When they finally broke apart Asmodeus leaned placed his forehead against hers.

“Miss me?” He asked.

Evelyn finally nodded.

Asmodeus lifted his lips into a half-smile. “See, was that so hard to admit?”

“Very much so.”

As Asmodeus laughed at her statement the sounds of fighting and cries of pain floated into the room, they all turned to look at the door as if anticipating someone entering the room. The noises came closer but thankfully no one was foolish enough to try and enter the room.

“Are those screams of pain I hear? And are they echoing through the halls without me there to cause them? That’s easily corrected.” Leviathan said, getting up and grabbing her sword. “We’ll finish our game later Acesah.” And then she was off.

Asmodeus lifted his head and turned it to face Evelyn. “I’ll be back soon.” He told her, planting a kiss on her forehead and then walked out of the room.

Evelyn watched him go and then slowly turned around to look at Acesah. “Do I have to?” Evelyn asked his reclining figure.

In response Acesah waved his hand, the chair opposite him was pushed out farther and the chess board was reset. Evelyn sighed but obeyed the silent command.

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