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Frank sighed softly to himself as he flipped through the pages in the new chapter they had to go over in his science class.

It was about wholesome food, nutriments and how to live healthy.

Even though he was the science teacher, he didn't get how this was linked to science, chemistry or biology. He didn't know why they needed to go through this chapter at all, it wasn't necessary nor useful and it was 2015 after all. People knew how to gain and maintain the dream body.

Frank closed the book with an annoyed huff, already wanting to rip the pages with pictures of healthy food and 'useful' information out and burn them. He dreaded to teach about this topic and talk about healthiness.

Luckily he had a student from some university with him as an assisting teacher in this class. He knew the student, Fred, was studying to be a science teacher like him, so Frank let him have this class.

This way he didn't need to stand in front of his students like a hypocrite, talking about how obesity was dangerous for the body and how eating correctly could prevent heart attacks, blood clot and other life threatening diseases.

Frank knew had had gained weight.

His chubby arms, thighs and stomach reminded him every day.

Along with immature students calling after him in the halls and annoying co-workers such as Mr. Anderson; the P.E teacher and football coach. He always said things like "Want to join the gym class today? We're having strength exorcizes." Or "We're running laps today."

If he hadn't been so small and Mr. Anderson hadn't been that tall, Frank would have crushed his nose long time ago. But those things made it kind of impossible and the fact that he hadn't boxed for that long either.

Frank felt like a coward for dodging this lesson as he watched the students walk into his classroom like zombies, tired and not fully aware of their surroundings. The university student, Fred or whatever, stood behind Frank's desk, smiling like he just won the lottery when he started to explain what they were going to do.

It felt out of place standing in a corner in the back of the classroom and observing everything as Fred talked about proteins and fat, but Frank would rather feel like a coward than trying to explain about the meds he had taken when he had gotten some stomach bug. They probably wouldn't believe him either, besides it was almost a year ago that happened.

The class seemed to go smoothly seeing as no-one had commented on Frank's weight or his absence from the teacher's desk.

However he felt and saw a few students glancing at him with questioning and amused expressions. It was slightly annoying, but he was the one to blame. Frank hoped Fred had everything under control so he didn't have to step in and take over the 'ask questions if you wonder on something'-part. That would go straight to hell for sure. Honestly this topic made him feel uncomfortable and wanting to crawl under a blanket to hide forever.

Frank sighed quietly to not attract unwanted attention, rubbing his eyes with one hand before dragging it down his face. He really needed to shave. Casting a glance at the clock over the door, he sighed once again and swept his eyes over the classroom in case Fred or some students needed him.

It didn't seem like it as he predicted and hoped for just before he locked his glance with a pair of hazel eyes who watched him with fascination?

The owner of the beautiful eyes realised they had been caught staring and turned their head quickly to hide their flushed cheeks.

The owner was Gerard Way, a new student or a senior to be precisely, who had transferred school because of moving. He seemed like a genuinely good kid, he never made rude comments, asked obvious nor irrelevant question and actually did what he was told.

Frank shook out of his confused state and made his way between the desks until he reached Gerard's. Gerard had of course noticed this, staring at Frank from his side glance before hurriedly starting to write on his worksheet.

Kneeling beside the student's desk, Frank noticed Gerard shaking and sweating a bit.

"Hey, you okay?" He whispered concerned when Gerard emitted a whimper, flushing even more.

"Y-yeah." He whispered back a bit shaky, averting his eyes.

Frank frowned. "Do you need help with something? You know you can just ask."

Gerard turned his head towards Frank, still averting his glance like a scared rabbit. He was really nervous for some reason, it was kind of cute actually.

"Uh... I-it was nothing." The poor kid managed to stutter out after a while. Frank frowned again, but shrugged his shoulders and started to stand up from his kneeling position.


"Yeah?" He asked Gerard softly not wanting to scare him or make him more nervous. Frank knew he could be a bit imitating with tattoos all over his body, light scruff and the fact that he wore an expression who told people to fuck off.

"I uh... W-why didn't you teach us this class?" Gerard muttered down into his desk, clearly feeling embarrassed to ask the question as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

Frank couldn't say he was shocked since he had mentally prepared himself in case it was asked, but his mind had become blank as an empty paper.

"Fred needed to have a few classes since he's in practise to become a teacher himself." He said surprising himself with a smile in the end.

And for some reason Gerard's cheeks lit up like flames again as he stuttered out an 'okay' and 'thanks Mr. Iero.'

He stood up from the floor just as the bell rang, signalling the end of the class and day. Sighing out in relief, Frank went over to his desk there Fred stood waiting to be praised as a good puppy as the students literally ran out the door.

Frank talked to the university student and giving him some encouragements about how it had went and could go better, Frank hadn't paid attention the whole time, but he knew how it felt to teach for the first time. It wasn't that long ago either he also had been in practice like Fred, but he was glad that time was over at least.

Groaning and mentally slapping himself for forgetting, Frank sat down in his chair feeling extremely tired, but he needed to grade some tests he had forgotten about yesterday. Teaching sucked balls sometimes.

But it wasn't the test that made him curse out in confusion and curiosity.

Because on his desk lay a little piece of paper with a cute handwriting reading out the words;

You're beautiful, you know?

And for the first time in ever Frank felt himself smile big and unintentionally.

I really like this idea! It's really fun to write it! :)

We actually have this topic in science and it doesn't make sense, like first we learned about the environment and ecosystem and now it's how to measure the sugar level in our blood...

Plus we have this really creepy student from the university with us as an assisting teacher. He does not make sense when he talks and he's way too excited.

Anyways I hope you like this chapter and the idea so far!

Thanks for reading!
Comments and votes always makes my day! ♡


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