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Gerard's smile never left his lips as he nearly ran home, with happiness in every step. He wasn't on the 'feeling as if he were flying' level yet, but he definitely felt much lighter and possibly as if he was floating down the dusty and abandoned asphalt road.

He didn't know how, frankly he didn't care or really wanted to know, but what Mr. Iero had said and shared with him had given Gerard a sudden confidence burst, so when the P.E period had ended he hadn't left the front desk for another in the back seeing as he had science after P.E.

Normally he would have flinched when the other students started to walk into the classroom and placed himself in the back, but he had wanted to be able to catch every flick and emotion shown in Mr. Iero's movements, facial expressions - everything!

Mr. Iero hadn't mentioned anything about it, just given Gerard an encouraging and secret smile and letting his eyes find Gerard's every once in a while.

Now Gerard wasn't the obsessive person who took everything as a sign that his science teacher liked him more than he should, he knew that the glances was probably to check on him and see if he needed any help, but Gerard couldn't really help the fluttery feeling to grow slightly in size and to let his mind wander a bit.

Everything seemed so beautiful today, especially Mr. Iero, the sun was shining, it was weekend and he had managed to slip another note into Mr. Iero's bag after the science class, even the horrible anxiousness he'd experienced this morning was a vague memory.

After going inside, closing the door and brushing of the dust from his black jeans, Gerard quickly found out that he was the only one home, something he enjoyed since his big brother, Mikey, always bossed him around.

He dashed down to his chilly room, pulled off all of the boring and tight clothes and changed into more comfortable clothes he now only dared to use inside his house, or his room if Mikey felt like being extra mean.

Today Gerard felt like he had gained a glowing aura surrounding him. So when he smiled into the mirror admiring the reflection of him wearing a pastel purple t-shirt, light blue shorts and white fluffy socks it didn't feel selfish or self-centred.

Gerard walked upstairs again with a blanket hanging loosely from his shoulders as he hummed Rainbow's Catch the Rainbow and carried his art supplies- he loved to draw in the basement, but it tended to grow too lonely and cold.

After placing the art supplies in the living room and turning on the TV, Gerard found himself in the kitchen hunting for something sweet. It seemed like his grin grew a bit when he found the ice cream inside the freezer and reached out his hand to grab it only to hear his big brother's words ring in his head. The smile faltered a bit as he remembered Mikey finding him binge-eating ice cream while crying. Mikey was not impressed and he didn't seem to be bothered by cursing at Gerard- calling him fat among other things.

He closed the fridge with a slight pout and a bit scared to take the risk and Mikey finding out again.

"I guess I don't need ice cream on happy days..." Gerard sighed annoyed at his bigger brother; at least he had a mini fridge in his room for days he definitely would need ice cream.

He sat down on the comfortable couch and tried to get his mind focusing on drawing.


Gerard didn't know how long he had been drawing for, but when he heard the soft click of the door closing he broke out of the working effectiveness. Judging by how the door was closed Gerard guessed it was his mom coming home early, but when he saw Mikey's blonde head he jumped slightly and unconsciously pulled the blanket more around himself in hope Mikey wouldn't see what he was wearing.

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