ti- 10

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This is dedicated to everyone with patience enough for me to update

Even though Gerard had just said yes to skip rest of the school day he hadn’t made any move to move himself away from his kneeling position on the asphalt. Pete decided not to say anything, seeing as the crying boy definitely needed more time to collect himself and the last thing he wanted was to be viewed as a pushy person.

Instead of trying to rush them out of the school’s parking lot, he placed himself down beside the still sobbing boy feeling a bit imitated and awkward by the tense aura. Pete knew his limitations, and he knew where they were standing on the line of the acquaintanceship between them. Until he knew Gerard in and out as a close friend (because he was determined to become Gerard’s friend) he wouldn’t do anything that might be out of the other boys comfort zone, like for example placing his hand on his shoulder or just sitting too close.

After another five minutes, it seemed like Gerard finally managed to pull himself together. He sniffled a bit, but the tears had stopped to fall from his glassy eyes only leaving wet trails down his flushed cheeks.

“I’m sorry you had to see me in this state,” He interrupted himself without intention with a mix of a gasp and some sniffling, “I kind of overreacted, but thank you for your concern, Pete.” He finished with a somewhat forced smile.

Pete frowned by that, but again he chose not to mention anything which possibly could upset Gerard. “No, I’m glad I found you, Gerard.” He smiled back at the slightly shaking boy in front of him. “Are you ready to leave, or?” He proceeded by asking, changing the topic smoothly so Gerard wouldn’t feel pressured into talking about something that clearly upset him.

“Yeah,” Gerard said almost too quickly and stood up from his position, feeling a bit dizzy from standing up so fast. He was glad Pete wasn’t asking any questions and he was even happier that he had suggested to leave the school. It was exactly what he needed now, time to clear his stupid head and a chance to form a friendship. If it was something Gerard needed more than a time machine; it was a friend he could talk to.   

Drying his tearstained cheeks with his sleeves and cringing at how puffy his eyes felt, Gerard turned around to Pete again; “So, lead the way to your car.”

The response he got was a slight chuckle followed by Pete gesturing towards the car he had just been crying against. “How did you think I found you?”

“Oh,” Gerard stood there for a moment, staring at the car, which was now known as Pete’s car, and letting his words sink in. “Oh gosh, I’m so sorry.” He stuttered quickly feeling his cheeks redden for the nth time this day.

“It’s fine, Gerard, as I said; I’m glad I found you.” Gerard nodded at that, not wanting to embarrass himself anymore in front of his potential friend. He really hoped he wouldn’t screw things up, so far Pete had known him, he’d been more caring than his past friends.

“Great!” Pete beamed and fished his car keys up from his pocket. The ladybug keychain made Gerard giggle a bit and Pete smiled finally sensing the tense air leave. He then made sure to open the door for Gerard before adding “Ladies first.” The comment made Gerard scoff a bit and step into the car with an ‘insulted’ look on his face, but Pete still smiled as he moved over to the other side of the car. Gerard wasn’t really a good actor.

After Pete started up his purple Toyota, he rolled down the window as they drove past the school gates. “I hope you are okay with me smoking, because this is my car and I’ll do it anyway.” Pete said, glancing Gerard for a second before watching the road again. Keeping one steady hand on the steering wheel, Gerard watched with an amused expression as Pete clumsily rummaged his hoodie pocket for the cigarette pack and the lighter.

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