to- 2

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Gerard yawned softly to himself there he stood only in his underwear, shivering a bit at the coldness surrounding his room. One of the cons by having a room in the basement was the constant chilly temperature and the soggy smell. The cold floor nipped on his feet as he walked over to his drawer, eager to find a new pair of socks or stockings to save his poor feet from the freezing floor.

He bit his lip softly in conflict of what he should wear, Gerard wanted- no he longed to wear his newly bought skirt, but he wasn't sure how this school would treat him. At his old school he could just walk around in whatever he wanted, sure there was the occasional 'fag/faggot' yelled after him, but no-one had hurt him physically ever. He just pitied the poor homophobe as he walked right past them with his head high, karma had it coming for them later on, his gut instinct was never wrong.

That was the confident Gerard, the one with the fiery hair and cute pastel skirts, he missed that one. Now he was the shy Gerard, again, and he hated it. Sure shy Gerard could be adorable, if one found that attractive and cute in the first place, but this version had terrible trust issues.

It was completely his fault.

Only his fault!

He had told himself those lines at least a hundred times over and over again trying to convince himself that-


Only his fault.

Even Mikey told him that, and they- Mikey and him had been best friends. Besides Mikey had always been the one to take side with his friends anyways.

He released the lip between his teeth slowly shaking his head with slumped shoulders. It was still too early. He hadn't been at this school for a week yet, he needed to find something safe first, something or rather someone he could give his trust to. Someone to cling into, to seek comfort in, but not necessarily a boyfriend.

Gerard wanted a friend this time.

He wanted a new start.

He put the cute stockings with bowties carefully back again and pulled out some normal black socks before he went over to the t-shirt drawer, pouting a bit when he found it nearly empty. Shy Gerard decided that he really didn't want to wear one of his pastel pink t-shirts yet, and that left him with either a Nike or a Rammstein t-shirt. He drew a hand through his newly dyed black hair already missing the red hair, sighing softly to himself when he picked up the Nike one and threw it on the bed. He needed that one for the P.E class.

Rammstein it is.


As he walked down the hall shy Gerard couldn't help but to dart his eyes nervously to each side and jump slightly every time he heard a loud noise. It was extremely annoying, but this was shy Gerard and shy Gerard was predictable but at the same time not, which made him seem like a skittish kitten.

He let out a sigh of relief when he reached his locker, and pulled out his schedule so he actually would be getting the correct books. Gerard was one of those who never remembered his schedule through the different days even if it was the end of the school year. But he remembered some classes, like for example that he had P.E after lunch.

One of the many reasons why he hated getting a new schedule every year, was because the teachers would find ridiculous hours to place the different classes. It was understandable now since he just had changed school, but Gerard didn't see the point of having P.E right after the students had eaten. Why couldn't it be at the end of the day, so he didn't have to go through the rest of the day feeling sweaty and disgusting. He didn't see the point in P.E at all to be honest.

Gerard felt his cheeks redden as he walked past Mr. Iero's classroom. He wasn't like the other teachers Gerard had had or had. No- Mr. Iero went in a completely other direction than most of the teachers and Gerard was not sure how to feel about that, it was weird for him to have a teacher that he genially liked.

Mr. Iero managed to teach his subject away to the students, he didn't give unnecessarily homework, he had a kind personality and he was just- breath-taking...

He bit the inside of his cheek softly to stop himself smiling even wider when he heard the soft tune of Black Sabbath's N.I.B's beginning emit from Mr. Iero's classroom, even without trying, Mr. Iero managed to get Gerard to like him more and more for each time he thought of him or saw him. Gerard shook his head a bit at himself, shy Gerard was pathetic with his fast growing crushes on everyone he found trustworthy. He was pretty sure the girl population would disagree with him on his sight of the science teacher, but he couldn't really help it either.

Mr. Iero was just attractive and appealing for Gerard's 'small' fantasies.

Gerard already had a huge soft spot for his scruff, half lidded eyes, full cheeks and the soft looking middle (Gerard really wondered how it would be and feel hugging him). It was bad enough when Mr. Iero had caught him staring, trying to get an extra glimpse of the tattoos Gerard knew he was covered in.


Gerard managed to catch the small whine threatening to escape his throat before he could embarrass himself in front of the whole school. It had been a foolish idea to actually get through with his idea, but he hadn't get caught and Mr. Iero's face had been award enough when he had read the small note, so Gerard took that as a small victory.

Mr. Iero's uncomfortable face when Fred had talked about obesity and unhealthy food had not escaped his longing eyes in the class last Friday. He wanted Mr. Iero to feel as beautiful as Gerard saw him, maybe his 'plan' was risky, but again he couldn't help the smile to form on his lips when he thought of the small notes he had laying in his locker waiting to be read by the right eyes.


For the long wait I mean? And sorry if this is kind of filler-ish?

I have been busy af!

Mom broke her foot and I had to do everything for her, even when they removed her cast... I also had to attend a christening/baptism(?) for my new cousin, which I have no idea why since none in my family is religious??

Idk mom had to bake loads of cakes for the after party and she decided that I just had to buy some new shoes for the party...

I ended up buying two pairs?? And three ties, a jacket, a naruto season and two skirts... ty @ mom for making me spend all of my money..

I didn't aks for this and I didn't need it.

I have also written a lot on my other account, where I have loads of kpop fics which I just want to be finished with tbh, I still listen to kpop, but I'm not that into the fandom anymore...

Okay anyways, I'm probably going to publish a Oneshot book soon because I have gotten so many ideas lately, so if you want to read that, be prepared for German!punker!frank ;)))

I'm just going around talking German trying to seem cool and when people ask me about it I'm like; no I have french, I just love German a lot, a loooot (((\(@v@)/)))


Thank you for reading! Comments and votes always makes my day! ♡



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