syv- 7

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I feel this is super short, but it took me long enough lmao,,, shame on me ahahaj

Walking out of Mr. Toro's math class Gerard felt really content since he had started on Belleville High.

He had managed to acquire a friend, or a person had actually talked to him, him! Pete even asked Gerard to join him in the cafeteria for lunch after nearly babbling the whole math class away, luckily was Mr. Toro one of those teachers who went through the stuff they had just learned in the next class.

Mr. Toro was a pretty chill teacher all in all.

Gerard had a free period after math so he couldn't see a reason for his smile to falter in this moment as he skipped through the buzzing students in the hallway. He nearly lost his books on the floor as a girl bumped into him, but he didn't let the insulted 'hmf' nor the ugly look sent in his direction affect him as he continued to towards his blue locker.

Opening his locker and proceeding to put his math books inside, Gerard closed it carefully, still beaming as he tucked some hair behind his ears. He really needed a haircut soon, maybe he'd dye it too Gerard thought as he twirled a few hair strands between his thumb and index finger.

He shook his head to himself, it wasn't long ago he had dyed his hair black again, but cutting it sounded like a good idea.

Snapping out of his inner hair discussing, Gerard blushed slightly as he saw himself walking towards Mr. Iero's classroom on his feet's own record. He really had it bad, but considering that he already stood outside Mr. Iero's classroom, it would be cowardly to take to his heels, besides Gerard didn't really know where to go now that he had a free period, so spending it with Mr. Iero sounded like a wonderful idea.

He must have stood in front of the door for a minute debating with himself whether he should knock or just walk into the classroom. Gerard knew that Mr. Iero didn't have any classes before after lunch, but it would seem kind of rude just to barge into his classroom without an appointment.

Gerard knocked carefully three times as he felt his anxiety spread itself all over in his body making his toes curl in his upbeat converse.

He could still bail, but he wanted to spend time with Mr. Iero so badly.

When he heard a soft 'Come in', Gerard could feel his heart hammering as if it wanted to break out of the ribcage and leap out of his chest.

Counting slowly to five, Gerard took a shaky intake of breath before opening the door softly and walking into the science classroom.

"M-mr. Iero?" He called nervously when he suddenly heard coughing and smelt cigarette smoke?

"Are you okay?" He then proceeded to ask when he couldn't spot the teacher in the front of the classroom with the teachers desk.

"I'm here, Gerard.." Mr. Iero's voice was heard in the back followed by more coughing. "I thought it was another teacher who knocked," He continued in the same raw and deep tone he probably had after coughing so hard.

Gerard stepped further into the classroom he was slightly familiar with, stopping after a while unsure if he should walk straight up to his teacher or just sit down on a desk. "Oh," He said after a while, gnawing some on his bottom lip.

Mr. Iero closed the open window with a gentle slam before turning to Gerard, smiling as if he were extremely pleased with him.

"I'm sorry if the scent of smoke bothers you, but I usually don't get visitors when I'm not having classes." Mr. Iero's smile faltered a bit into a more flustered smile as he scratched his neck in an embarrassed manner. "Don't start smoking, kid. It's a horrible habit which is hard to get rid of."

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