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June Summers^


I finished drying my hair with the towel and  needed to get my pajamas on. Just after I pulled my shirt over my head there was a knock on the door that made me jump.

"Yeah?" I asked a little irritated.

"Are you done yet? It's already 11 and I still need to shower." Chase complained through the door. I sighed and pulled up my pajama shorts.

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming, hold your horses." After I tied the knot on my shorts I walked past Chase and to my closet that had my hamper. I showered for a long time and now I was so tired I could fall asleep any second. I threw the clothes in the hamper and closed my closet door, but when I turned back around Chase was still standing and watching me

"What?" I asked with clear annoyance. He crossed his arms and stepped closer.

"What is this?" He asked flashing the picture of me sleeping between his fingers. My heart skipped a beat and my breathing paused.

"Just a candid Ameth took of me." I lied smoothly, covering up my hesitation. Chase clenched his jaw and stepped even closer.

"Oh really? Because your friends were never let in this room while you were still resting." His eyes narrowed.

"Who gave you this?" I moved my eyes anywhere away from him. He grabbed my chin suddenly and made me look at him. Chase was way taller than me, towering over my small stature.

"Don't make me repeat the question." He whispered.

"I don't know who." I choked on my words. I was being stalked and threatened, but did he need to know the details?

"Is this the only thing you have got from this person?" He asked. My eyes darted to my dresser unwillingly then back to him. He seemed to catch my gaze, leaving me standing and going to my dresser. Don't tell me he is going to go through my bras and underwear because I swear that creep...

"No! It's the only thing I got from this person!" I lied again, but he didn't stop his movements. Sometimes I was great at lying, but this was too much pressure.

Chase opened the top drawer revealing a ton of socks. When he found nothing he moved to the next drawer, AKA my underwear/bra drawer.

I watched as he pulled out multiple black boxes. He set then one by one next to each other on top of my dresser. He grabbed one and opened it, reading the note and looking at the picture. He did that to the rest.

When he saw them all he sighed loudly, leaning on his hands that were on the dresser.

"When did you get the first box?" 

"Shortly after I started dating Palmer." I shifted my legs uncomfortably.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He still didn't look at me. At this point it was obvious his eyes were midnight black. Someone was threatening his mate and himself, not a good feeling for a wolf with alpha genes.

"We weren't exactly on communication terms. Plus I thought it was a prank." I was trying to remain calm.

Chase suddenly walked up to me, faster than I could process. He was once again towering over me, and as I guessed, his eyes were black.

"That wouldn't stop me from caring about this. You see, this person isn't only threatening you Cassandra. They are threatening me. How could you not warn me?"

"I thought it was a prank!"

"Did you think it was once you at least got the third one?!" I flinched at his raised voice. His look softened a bit, but not by much.

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