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I continued to look over my shoulder, making sure nobody was following or giving me suspicious eyes. My hand clutched the paper tightly, like wanting it to break in a million pieces. I had dropped Faye off in Ameth's room for her to be watched over while I did this. Nobody could be with me.

Reaching the pack border I gave one last look and stepped out of the territory. I was fresh meat out here, but then again with my powers I wasn't too afraid. I was more scared of what I was about to do.

I read the paper once more before following the instructions. Through the rocks, past the fallen tree, etc.

I reached the cleared cliff, the view showcasing the miles of the forest.

"Ah, you're here and yet you didn't follow instructions." A deep voice spoke. I spun around and locked eyes with his.

"You really think I'm going to bring my god damn baby to you after that!" I growled at him, seething in my own anger.

"What's your problem now?" He scoffed. I couldn't believe it. I just couldn't believe he didn't get it.

"You! You're my problem! I beg that I get a break to take care of Faye and get the hang of things, when you! You murder an innocent infant that had nothing to do with me and leave it in my bathroom! I can't believe you have the decency to even ask what my problem is!" I screamed at him as his icy blue eyes switched back and forth between the original color and the shade of blood red.

"Dear, if you yell at me I'm going to get angry." He clenched his teeth.

"You're going to get angry?!" I growled.

"Keep testing me Cassandra and I'll go take Faye right now, not even sparing a glance back." He growled back and I clamped my mouth shut. "Good girl, now, why didn't you bring me our baby?"

"Because my baby will not be in the hands of evil at its finest. Faye will not be tempted and surrounded by the living Hell, and will never take your place as a Princess. She will not have the same destiny of evil like I did because I barely made it out."

"Oh honey, if only you knew this wasn't the end."

"I came here to finish things off, not trade my baby for my own freedom." I seethed.

"Think again, Cassandra, because I arranged this to start everything over." His eyes deepened into a thick blood color. I didn't spare a glance away from the shade, challenging him.

"You're not as strong as you believe you are, Cassandra." He whispered.

"I'm not as weak as I was when this whole game began." I glared into his eyes, feeling my anger rise on top of my skin. "And this whole game ends, right here, right now. Nobody and nothing else involved. Just us."

"Please, Cassandra," he scoffed. "It's in your nature. To destroy everything you touch. You're willing to fight me just to end this whole thing?" Lucifer cocked his head to the side cockily, and rose an eyebrow.

"You ask like I'm going to die."

"That's because you are." Lucifer lunged at me, causing me to tumble to the ground and roll close to the Cliff's edge. I pushed him off me and shot up, sending my foot towards his face to kick him over, but he grabbed my foot and twisted it to cause me to fall. I landed with a grunt, rolling out of reach from him. I used a fallen tree to pull myself up and stabilize myself.

When I turned around he was gone. I looked around at the darkening sky, ears perked. A low chuckle echoed around me, but as I was turning nobody was seen.

"Already hiding from me? Come out, come out, wherever you are." I sung, the adrenaline keeping me sane.

There was a thump followed with the leaves crunching making me turn and kick hard at his torso. He let out a grunt, obviously not ready for my quick action. For his attack he grew long claws and jumped at me, clawing at my body. I yelped, pushing him off of me to shift into my pure black wolf. It felt good to let her out again, knowing we had the same intention to protect our pup.

I growled darkly before jumping at him and doing the same he did to me, clawing away and snapping my jaws at him. Before I could get a good bite at his neck he managed to roll out from underneath me.

My wolf had a pretty good size, considering she had grown larger since our transformation. I was standing almost at his height.

Lucifer snarled at me.

"Dirty wolf, playing a child's game. This is an adult fight, dear. You really think biting and clawing me is going to defeat me?" He growled out, making the anger bubble in my veins. What a hypocrite. "Aw, am I ticking you off little pup?" He sneered, and I launched myself at him but before I could successfully bring him down with me he shot his arms out sending waves of force to push me the other way. I hit a tree and fell to the ground, landing on some sharp sticks and twigs. My back ached from the impact, but I didn't get time to recover.

Lucifer stalked over and launched a black smoke after me, which clogged my breathing. I choked, desperate to breathe while in this smolder's grasp. My lungs burned along with my chest as I struggled to find clean air in my body.

"Remember, i'm more powerful than you. I hold your life in my very hands right here right now, and I'd be happy to make you a deal. Give me Faye and I'll let you live. You aren't allowed to try to get her back or whatever, and you will be banished from Hell to never see her. Do we have a deal?" He cocked an eyebrow, and I struggled against the black smolder. He sighed, seeing I couldn't answer, and let me have a moment's breath.

I quickly shifted back, not caring my clothes were a few meters away. His eyes shamelessly wondered my body which made me even more angry. I stalked over to my pile of clothes and pulled them on quickly with him following to make sure I didn't try anything.

"So? Do we have a deal or what?" He asked impatiently. I turned and smirked.

"No deal." And I swiped my arms to fire my own black smoke at him. The fog wrapped around his throat and tightened him in a strangle. He gargled on his own saliva in clear surprise at my action. What an idiot.

I stepped closer to him, smirking.

"How about a different deal, huh? This time I won't be stupid like you to let you out until we make it a deal." He tried to claw at the smoke, but found that his fingers went right through it. The veins were popping out of his neck and he fell to his knees.

"I let you live if you leave me alone and Faye. Simple as that." His strained yell came afterwards, and I held my hand out for him to shake on it. He contemplated quickly before struggling to catch my hand in his and shake it. I instantly used my hand movement to unravel itself from his throat and he quickly gasped for air. He clutched his chest and breathed in sharply, refilling his lungs.

"Now that it's settled I'm going to go back to my pack and live happily and normally. Thank you for your time." I winked at him, noticing the fire in his eyes that revealed his rage.

"You're a bitch." He breathed. I leaned down to his crouching position.

"At least I'm the real winner here." I patted his head and ran off back into the woods before he could get another word in, back to my pack house.

I was finally free of Lucifer and his taunting games.


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