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What could Chase possibly be thinking? No idea. All I know is that he isn't happy about it, but could he blame me? No.

I woke up before Chase did, so I took that chance to take a shower. After stripping bare and turning on the water to heat up, I looked in the mirror. My stomach had a slight bump, but it wasn't noticeable with clothes on. I sighed and hopped in the shower.

After I dried off I wrapped the towel around my body and walked out into the room. Chase wasn't there, surprise surprise, so I just went straight to my closet. I picked out a lilac colored tank top with a black pair of leggings that stopped a little under my knees. I started dressing, but when the door swung open I jumped and wrapped the towel around me again while cursing.

"Chase!" I exclaimed and he shrugged.

"What? It's not my fault you didn't lock the door or change in the bathroom." He moved to his desk, ignoring my scowl.

"Douche bag." I muttered. Chase stopped in his path and slowly turned with a mischievous smirk.

"Care to repeat, honey?" The way he said honey was like a threat lacing between his words.

"Sure thing, babe." I mocked back. "I called you a douche bag." I held onto the towel tight. Chase's smirk grew, and I gulped when he started stalking his way over to me.

I backed up against the wall as he towered over me. His head dipped down right to my ear, his breath making me shudder.

"Who are you calling a douche bag?" His voice taunted before his mouth connected to my neck. I held in all I could, trying not to crumble into his hands, his little toy who can't even put up enough resistance. My mark tingled fiercely, adding to the effect Chase had on me. I wished he wasn't so good at swooning me.

When I let out a soft moan he pulled back with a giant smirk.

"Remember that I still have an effect on you, babe, and that's a feeling you can never resist from. I am your weakness, as you are mine, and even with that demon's baby you're carrying I still won't stay away from you." He bit my ear.

"Maybe I can get away from everything so that i'm not forced into whatever I don't want." I countered.

"I can assure you that even if you do leave, I will always find you. My mate can never escape from my arms, even if need be." He paused. "You will always be mine, baby." He nipped at my mark, causing me to gasp. "Just know that nothing is going to get in my way of you." Chase stepped back and sauntered over to his desk, grabbing a stack of papers before heading to the door. He stopped in the doorway and turned to me.

"And Cassandra?" He started.

"Yeah?" My voice cracked.

"Nice chest." He winked at me before closing the door behind him, which was a good idea because I was about to go and attack him. Douche bag.

"So are you planning on telling them you're pregnant?" Chase asked as we walked up towards Ameth's house.

"Pfft. No, I'd get slapped before I would be able to explain." I knocked on the door.

"Well they'll find out soon." Chase added, and before he could start a lecture the door opened and a whirl of red flashed in my vision before I was attacked in a bone crushing hug.

"Argh!" I exclaimed, but hugged her back.

"Oh God if this happens again!" Ameth started balling, so I rubbed her back.

"I'm not leaving again, I promise." After a few minutes of calming her down, she started talking.

"Maddie is inside with Drew and so is my mate." Ameth pulled back and sniffed.

"What? Your mate?! Oh my god I want to see him-" I exclaimed, but was interrupted.

"You already know him- you know what? We'll explain inside, come one." She ushered me towards the door, but a warm hand grabbed my wrist.

"Don't forget I'll come back in about two hours for your doctor's appointment." Chase reminded, and I nodded.

"Thanks." I said before following Ameth inside.

I ran into the living room and tackled Maddie, who tackled me right back. After our little greeting my eyes trailed past Drew... and right to Hunter. Chase's other friend that temporarily vanished. He stood awkwardly away from everyone else with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"But you knew each other this whole year." I asked confused.

"Well... we had issues on what we exactly wanted." Ameth explained, leaving my left side and leaning against Hunter instead. He wrapped his arm around her waist and a smile traced her lips. She finally has a light in her eyes.

"Well, I'm ecstatic that you're finally happy." I said, and she smiled wider.

The whole time I was with my friends, and their mates, I avoided questions about all things that happened when I was kidnapped, yet again. They understood that I didn't want to talk about it, even though I could tell they were frustrated I wasn't spilling all my secrets like I used to. Things changed over the coarse of this year.

Chase was holding my hand while we waited for the doctor, because frankly I was scared and I needed his touch.

"Sorry for the wait." Dr. Steal walked in with her hair in curls and a busy look sketched on her face.

"No problem, you have the research and test results?" Chase asked, taking order already. Such a bossy person he is.

"Yes, let me start explaining some things." She cleared her throat and glanced at her papers.

"First of all, this pregnancy will only take a month." I gasped.

"Excuse me?!" My heart hammered and my head spun.

"I know, I know, sooner than you expected, but with the genes, I'm afraid it's how the pregnancy works. Lucifer is a prince from Hell, meaning he was born to be evil and rule the underworld, so since he was destined to be Prince of all things evil, he was born with specific genes. With the stress of such power from the underworld, his heirs, or babies, would need to be able to come into the universe rather quickly, so that they can start aging before it's too late and Lucifer dies and the Prince title would be empty. That means his genes have an affect on your pregnancy to make it go faster and the baby to grow quicker in the womb."

"Oh God."

"Now to your question you had earlier, Chase." She turned a page. "The baby will not be born with evil genes. Evil is something the baby will need to be surrounded by in order to develop that trait. Only if the baby is influenced or cursed will it be corrupted with darkness."

"What if Lucifer wants the baby?" I asked.

"I would suggest, to spare the child of poor youth, would you keep the baby. Why give the dark side a new possible ruler?" Dr. Steal explained, and I nodded.

"You are already two weeks, with three to go. Your bump is already slightly noticeable, so I suggest you make an announcement." She continued and gathered her papers. "If you have more questions or concerns, just come see me any time. My office is open for you at any hour."

"Thank you Dr. Steal." Chase nodded in a polite manner, and she left the room. He turned to me with black eyes.

"Once that baby is no longer inside you we are mating. I'm done putting up with other males that want to take you." He stamped out the door, leaving my cheeks flushed. Oh god.


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