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"Are we there yet?" I whined despite Chase's constant reminders that we were closer.

"Cass, don't make me turn this car around." He warned making me roll my eyes and rest my legs on the dashboard, knowing it would bug him.

"Pfft, you wouldn't dream of doing that." I protested.

"And why's that?"

"Because we still need our first official date. And you already have everything packed for this date you refuse to tell me what exactly it is, so just randomly deciding to cancel the whole anticipated first date would be far beyond our minds."

"You're truly something, Cassy." He chuckled while shaking his head.

"And you love it." I took a violent bite off of my piece of licorice, something I needed to eat to keep myself occupied.

"Are we there yet?" I asked after a rough ten more minutes.

"I swear, if you ask when more time- actually, we are here." I sat up in the seat and looked around at the surroundings.

"You did not!" I gasped, eager already to get out of the car.

"I did." He pulled the keys you of the ignition and turned to grin at me. I stared into his bright green eyes finding the same amount of excitement I had.

"I can't believe you brought me to the beach!" I squealed. I haven't been to the beach since the school took a field trip here after out mid terms.

"Where did you think I was taking you when I told you to wear a swimsuit?" He laughed at my agape mouthed expression.

"I-I don't know, maybe a pool?" He laughed at that before motioning towards the ocean.

"Come on, the beach awaits." Chase stepped out of the car and I followed suit, bouncing around him as he grabbed bags out of the trunk. When he shut the trunk I practically sprinted towards the sand, loving he feeling of the cool, soft feeling. I could make out Chase's laughs behind me as he frantically attempted catching up with me.

I slipped off my sandals at a spot I wanted our stuff to be, waiting for Chase to reach my destination. When he did he laid out our towels and put the bags and cooler in behind.

"Oh my bejesus- let's get in the water!" I rushed out, immediately shrugging my shorts off followed by taking my shirt with it. When I caught Chase's now dark eyes I laughed and threw my shirt at him.

"Take your shirt off and get in the ocean with me!" He followed orders quickly to make sure I wouldn't run off without him. When I started walking Chase caught up to me immediately and grabbed my hand in his, intertwining our fingers. I smiled softly and dragged him into the ocean, the cool water splashing against my hips already. I turned to Chase and laughed at his lost expression.

"Bet you didn't know I was obsessed with the beach." I smiled and he nodded.

"Now I'm glad I brought you here. Does that mean I get extra thank yous tonight?" He smirked at my gasp but laughed when I whacked his arm. He pouted and rubbed the spot where my hand made contact with his bicep. "That hurt, I think I need a kiss to make is feel better."

"Oh, I'll give you a kiss." I smirked, leaning in towards his lips. Right when his eyes flickered shut I surprised him by using full force to push him completely under that water.

Chase emerged quickly from the water and shook his hair our of his eyes before glaring at me.

"Oh, you're gonna pay for that one."

"Oh god no." I quickly and desperately started to swim away from him, but didn't make it far before he hot a hold of my legs and dragged me back. I offered an innocent but not apologetic smile in hopes of forgiveness of not revenge seeking, but that clearly didn't do much.

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