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I groan as I awake to a pounding head. I didn't even hit it.

I sat up, thinking about how I wake up like this too often.

The room was nice for being kidnapped... or possibly saved, but I mean really, what are the chances in that. But anyways, I was laying in a queen sized bed in a bright room with somewhat color coded accessories. It had purple drapes on the bed posts with purple curtains and purple pillows, etc etc... But what caught my attention was that there were no windows behind the curtains, just a continued wall. There were also two doors on opposite side of the room, and in the vanity there was no mirror in the frame. Why would they take out some things? And why would they give me such a lovely room? Wasn't I to be sent away sooner or later with either Gabriel or Lucifer? Isn't this a bit much for temporary? Or have they decided?

I swung my legs off the bed and stood, but that's when I noticed I wasn't in the same clothes. Sickos. I was wearing a crimson red night gown that stopped mid thigh with black lace at the seams. Pretty, but a little too sexy for this situation.

I tip-toed over to one door and slowly opened it, revealing a bathroom/closet thing. To the right of the room was the toilet, shower, and sink, but to the left there were clothes hanging, men and women clothes... When I continued into the room I found another door on the opposite side from the bedroom I was in, and I slowly opened that one, too. Nobody was inside, so I crept in, closing the door behind me and I noticed it was a darker looking bedroom compared to mine.

This room had dark grey walls and crimson red accessories, and the room wasn't as girly as mine. This was one of theirs probably.

I took this time for granted and quickly opened the closest furniture, opening the drawers. Clothes this, clothes that. I moved on to the nightstand. Brush this, condom that. Then I spotted the desk, something I didn't have in the previous room, and I quickly rummaged through the drawers. Pointless things like pencils, sticky notes, and paperclips. But when I got to the middle drawer there were papers.

I skimmed over a few quickly, seeing if it was of any importance. A birth certificate, some bills, some receipts, but then I found the journal.

Footsteps suddenly sounded, and I quickly grabbed the journal and shut the drawer. I desperatley looked around, and jumped towards the bed, rolling under it. Just in time, because the door opened and the footsteps became more clear.

"It's in my desk, let me get it." A familiar voice spoke to the other set of feet. It was Lucifer. This was his room, but why was it connected to mine?

The rummaging of papers gave me time to breathe louder and more sufficiently, and when it stopped I quieted again.

"Here it is. This should explain her sudden outburst." Her? Her as in me? There was some silence, and I assumed the second pair of footsteps was scanning the paper Lucifer gave him.

"It just says shit about how her powers felt drained from the silver chains, and now the loss of them was replaced by pain because that is how she gained her abilities. This isn't the explanation I was exactly looking for."

"Sir, it's the most reasonable explanation. What were you looking for? An explanation on how she-" Lucifer was interrupted by the older sounding man.

"I want to know if our plan worked with her circumstances. Did it?"

"I hope so. She didn't squirm or show any pain whatsoever when I performed."

"Good. Because if this explanation is true, I hope your plan worked sufficiently." The footsteps left the room in loud strides, and the door slammed behind him. Lucifer sighed, and followed out at a normal pace.

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