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I plopped my lunch tray down on the table in between Mandy and Ameth, ignoring Chase's annoyed growls. He's been doing that a lot lately.

I knew from the second I woke up this morning that something was wrong. And now I was down because of finding something was actually wrong. My locker was the problem. How could somebody want me to do that?

I shook off my bad vibes and took a bite from the pepperoni slice of pizza, ignoring the looks Chase was giving me.

"So, we totally need to go get our nails done together after school for some extra bonding time!" Mandy squealed, and Ameth groaned. "You up for that, Cassy?" She asked me with her big eyes and pink lips. I couldn't resist the disgusted look I gave her at the thought of getting my nails done.

"Great! How about we all hop into Drew's car and he can drop us off at the salon-"

"Babe," Drew interrupted, giving her a look of disbelief. "I don't think the girls want to go to the salon." Mandy sighed.

"But Cassy's nails look very un-nourished from the time she's been gone, and if we just do a little dolling up I'll be good with that."

"Okay, fine." Ameth grumbled, stubbornly willing from her cola. And then Mandy started narrating our time after school.

"And then we can walk to the nearest cafe and get some coffee and then-" she was interrupted by a booming principle that silenced the whole cafeteria.

"Cassandra Matthews, if you could please make your way to the office immediately. Cassandra Matthews." All eyes curiously looked over towards our table, and I blushed, wondering what shit I did now.

I stood, but Chase did, too. I gave him a look.

"Just stay and eat lunch. I'll see what they want for myself." I declared.

"Cassandra, don't you remember? I'm supposed to stick by your side at all times." Our table was looking back and forth between us, listening to our bickering.

"Chase, we're in school. I'm safe and there are multiple adults in the office standing on watch. Don't you think I have enough eyes on me?"

"Fine," he huffed, defeated. "But if the fifth bell rings and you aren't back yet, I'm checking in at the office."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes playfully and walked out of the cafeteria to the office. When I was inside all the adults gave me a look.

"This way, Cassandra." Mr. Shoft motioned me behind the desk and towards his private office. I followed and sat in a chair across from his own, waiting nervously.

"How are you doing?" He tilted his head, waiting for my answer. I shrugged.

"Trying to put my life back together. But really, why am I here? If it's just to have a conversation I would prefer to eat lunch."

"Actually, you're here for a serious reason. Somebody smelled a foul scent that caused them a major migraine." He paused and sighed. "It came from your locker, and we found this." He placed the bottle on his desk, making it shimmer in light from the window.

"What is this doing in your locker?" He demanded, and I almost flinched.


"This is an illegal item in pack territory. How did you get it? And what for?"

"Look, I didn't get it, I found it in my locker this morning. I found it with this attached." I tossed him the note I've been keeping in my pocket. He grabbed it and gave me a disbelieving look before he read it. I watched his expression change as he read word for word.

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