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I turned the shower head off and stepped out, drying my body and wrapping the towel around me. I left the steaming bathroom and headed to my closet, pulling out black skinny jeans, combat boots, and my grey nirvana shirt that I decided to tuck in the front of my pants. After every was taken care of I headed downstairs and hopped inside Chase's car, waiting for him to join me. 

My phone buzzed, so I scavenged it out of my bag and looked at the caller ID, finding it to be Mandy.

"Yo." I answered, casually looking out the passenger window. 

"What the hell happened last night?" I rolled my eyes at her demanding greeting. 

"A hello would be nice." I sarcastically said and she scoffed as Chase got in the car. He didn't say anything to me, and in fact we haven't been talking since last night when I told him I've been lying. That's the last thing I said to him before falling asleep, because at the last minute I didn't feel like explaining. That wasn't the best time to come clean to be honest. 

"You, Cassandra Matthews absolutely do not get a hello! I'm demanding you to answer my question!" The car started and we left the pack house parking lot. The members returned five in the morning, pretending like nothing happened last night. Whenever I asked them where they went or what happened they just looked at me all confused, asking me what I meant. Maybe I was just going crazy and Damon was actually getting to me.

"Look, I was hallucinating, okay? Whatever Ameth told you was most likely not true." I replied as calmly as I could. Lying to my friends hurt, but I don't need to drag them into my shitty life anymore than they are already are. 

"PMSing?" She asked casually. I rolled my eyes. Did I want to answer that? No, but do I have to as an excuse? Yes, and I'm fully aware Chase can hear all of this. 

"Yes, I just had a breakdown last night." I sighed and looked out at the passing trees and students walking. I heard a voice in the background, most likely Ameth.

"What happened?" She asked. 

"What do you mean?" 

"In your past. I mean I know your house burned down with your family," my breathing hitched and my heart started to race. "but I feel like that isn't it. I feel like you're hiding something." I swallowed a lump in my throat and glanced at Chase behind my hair who was tightly gripping the steering wheel, making his knuckles white. I quickly looked away before he caught me staring. 

"Everything is fine, Mandy. I grew up with my family and then there was a fire in the house while I was gone. Simple as that, i'm past it all." Lies. My head was starting to hurt from these flashes of memories that were biting at my sanity.

"I gotta go, almost at school now." And there I cut the call, sliding the phone back in my pocket once Chase parked. When we got out I quickly walked inside before Chase could ask questions.

"Look, Cassy, I didn't mean to dig into your past, I'm sorry." Mandy apologized once I sat with them. 

"It's fine, you were just worried." I sighed watching the clock for the first bell. I want this day to be over already. 

I sat down at the lunch table with my tray before Mandy shouted in my ear. "Announcement!" I played with the fries I had in my hand and listened. 

"Drew and I decided to move in together!" She squealed and before I could  hear with her someone tapped my shoulder, and of course, it was Palmer.

"Yes?" I asked, a little annoyed. 

"Can we talk? Somewhere a little more private?" He asked. His eyes held guilt and regret, so being the nice ass I am I agreed and followed him to the corner where the bathrooms were hidden. 

"Look Cassandra, I am so sorry I tried to mark you even though we weren't mates. Please forgive me." I sighed, knowing this wasn't going to go down well. 

"Sure, I'll forgive you. Now can I go back to my lunch?" 

"Wait, I was hoping we could catch up on things, you know." He looked so hopeful it made me feel bad.

"Look, I would really love to stay and catch up on things, but now isn't the best time. I'm hungry, I'm in a bad mood, and I have no social skills right now, so maybe tomor-"I was cut off by being pushed against the wall, his lips pressing down on mine. Holy mother fucking shit, he needs to get off. my mark tingled in recognition that those lips were not my mate's.

Palmer pulled back and smiled. "I missed you." He breathed. My eyebrows furrowed and I pushed him off before storming off to the cafeteria. But before that could happen he caught my elbow and turned me back around.

"Please give me another chance."

"I have a fucking mate. My forgiveness is not an invitation to make out with me. I'm taken." I shot at him, but his lips formed into a smirk. 

"Doesn't look like he believes you're together." He chuckled lightly, and confusion hit me, but once I turned around I saw it all. 

Hollers from his table and laughs sounded from them all. All his stupid ass friends. And they were hollering and hooting because Chase was making out with June. June fucking Summers. She had her hand on the back of his neck and another on his back, pulling him closer. He had his hands only on her waist, but he was full on kissing back.

My mouth was slightly open in shock. My wolf whimpered at the sight of my enemy and my mate sucking each other's faces off. The mark where my collar bone and neck joined ached and my heart was throbbing. When I looked over at my table my friends were looking at me with sympathy and worry. 

The worst part during it all? Chase looked like he enjoyed this. I could clearly see the smirk on his face while he kissed June. And when her hand moved to his chest I couldn't stand it anymore. Leaving would mean to cross the entire cafeteria to get to the school entrance, but I needed to get out of here before I melted down.

I felt the tears start to rise and my heart pounding with so many emotions. This was the worst thing Chase has ever done to me. 

I started to sob as I ran across the cafeteria and out the front doors of the school. I ignored all the gasps, gossip, sympathetic sounds all directed towards me. I didn't want their sympathy. I didn't want anything anymore. 

Once I was out of the school the rain collided against my frail, small body. But I didn't care. I didn't care about anything right now. 

All I could do was run away from my problems. And that's exactly what I was doing now. Weak, pathetic, Luna.

I don't know where I was running, but it was far from here, far from Chase, far from where I felt suffocated most.

Xander would want me, wouldn't he? He seemed to far more than Chase.

I don't know how I got here or how long it took me to get here, but the rain wasn't pouring down as much and my clothes were sticking to me like crazy. 

I rose my fist to the air and knocked on the wooden door. Several seconds later the door opened, revealing him. 

"Cassandra?" He asked disbelievingly.

"I know, you must think I'm crazy, but Chase never wanted me in the first place and I didn't know where to go." I started and he smirked, eyeing me up and down.

"That's easier than what I was planning." He chuckled. "Come right in." He moved slightly for me to walk in, and I did. 

I walked back into my hell. But it felt like heaven at the moment. 



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