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I peeled my eyes open, squinting when there was a bright light flashing in my face.

"Sorry." A voice muttered, and the bright light was turned off. There was another light on, but it wasn't as bright.

I sat up from the small, uncomfortable mattress and rubbed my eyes. When I looked at the person, it was somebody I didn't recognize.

"Who are you?" I asked, slightly aware of my surroundings.

"Oh, sorry." She chuckled and rubbed her hands nervously, like she was ecstatic to be in my presence. "I'm Doctor Dean. You hit your head pretty hard when you fell."

"Huh?" Wasn't I attacked by June and Gabriel?

"Miss. Matthews, at dinner you stood on a counter to reach something like a bowl in the cabinet, but you slipped, fell off, and bashed your head on the island counter-top." She explained.

"B-but-" the door opened before I could ask about the attack, and Chase walked in. When he saw I was awake he gave me a look, which basically told me to shut up for now. I clamped my mouth shut and waited patiently.

"Is her head alright? Nothing too serious?" He asked Dr. Dean, and she shook head.

"Just some minor injuries to the left side of her skull, I prescribed a medicine to help the pain that will occur for the rest of the week, and I advise she stays out of physical activity for awhile. I need you to sign here." She grabbed a paper and pen and handed it to Chase, who didn't hesitate to sign. Once that was taken care of and I got my medicine, we were out the door with an ice pack pressed against my head.


"Sh." Chase quickly interrupted. I shut my mouth and continued to follow Chase down the multiple white halls in silence. Once we were in his car, the questions started to pour out.

"Why did she tell me I fell instead of mentioning my attack? What happened when I was unconscious? How long was I out? Am I going to di-"

"I decided to keep her out of the loop on the details of your injury, so that news wouldn't spread and I can keep the pack in less of a frenzy." He pulled out of the parking lot.

"When you fell unconscious people heard, came down, and the two scrambled away before their identity was shown. You were out the rest of the night and to this afternoon, and no, Cassy, you are not going to die." He finished with a sigh. I nodded and looked out my window.

"If people know about the attack then maybe people would be more on alert for me-"

"They don't need to get in your problems, Cassandra." I was shocked at his firm tone. He hardly called me Cassandra unless he was serious. And I was also shocked that he was basically calling me vain.

"I wasn't trying to-"

"I know you didn't mean it like that, but you have to see this problem through a leaders eyes, and not a selfish pack member's. As a leader we need to make sacrifices, even if they are dangerous to ourselves. Pack members are selfish, and only want everyone to sacrifice for them, and that is what brings them down to being cocky about themselves. They think they are everything more than the other. You will not be that way." I stayed silent.

After that awkward talk with Chase we reached the pack house. Before the car was completely stopped I got out and went inside without a word. How could Chase suddenly think I was self centered? Does he not know that he was the one that was self centered originally?

Knowing I couldn't go to our room because he would find me there, I went to the theatre room. It was dark since it wasn't occupied, but I just sat down in one of the red cushioned chairs. Ever since my experiences lately, I felt safer and more comfortable in the dark. It called out to me.

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