Chapter 4: Get It?

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I See Fire ~ Ed Sheeran

Walking out of the airport, I felt the California air hit my face hard after being in the nice air conditioned airplane for exactly 12 hours and 6 minutes. But who's counting.

I walk over to the limo that's waiting at the curb in front of the airport. My cars are currently being sailed across sea from London. Which means that I won't see them for a couple days. * Cue the sobbing.*

As I'm about to put my bags into the open trunk, our chauffeur Bentley comes up to me.

"Madam, let me help you with that." He says while trying to take the bags from me.

"No thank you, I'm fine." I say tugging the bag back towards me sending him a smile.

"No Madam, I insist." He says tugging it back towards him.

I pause. "Bentley." I warn. "I'm fine. You don't have to do everything for me, you know. I'm a big girl."

He sighs and sends me a defeated smile, letting go of the bags reluctantly. "Fine. You win. But what do I expect from the daughter of one of the most persuasive business people." He sighs, shaking his head and opening the back door to the limo. "Well, hurry up. We don't have all day. It's going to be dark soon."

I look up at the sky and saw that it was indeed getting darker. I hurry to put my bags into the trunk. Slamming it shut I scrambled to get into the car.


The ride to the new house was long and suffocating with only the silence and my thoughts, so you can guess how relieved I was when I looked out the window and saw that we stopped outside a giant 4 story iron gate opening up for the limo. When we stop I look up to see our new home.

With a sigh, I climbed out and saw that there was a 8-story mansion in front of me.

The elegant but fresh tropical vibe you get off of it is quite refreshing when you're locked inside all day, car or building.

I walk up around the circular mini garden of plants and palm trees that's in the middle of the driveway and head to the door. When I find it locked I turn to Bentley - who I find is behind me with the keys dangling in front of my face, the corner of his mouth twitching while he's trying not to laugh.

I flash him a sheepish smile. Taking the key and unlocking the door, I step in. The inside is even better than the outside the house ringing with Beautiful lush Vintage scenery. The rainforest around the house calling out to me like a meat to dogs... Get it. Dog, Werewolf- no? k, moving on.

Looking back outside I take note that I'm the only one here, so I run up the stairs to find my room. After looking through various rooms, I come to one that catches my eye. There's a glowing staircase leading in a wide circle going down, creating a dim shadow of colors creating a spiral.

Well... you know what Jean-Paul Sartre said," To know what life is worth you have to risk it once in awhile."

But then again, I think she may have been talking about being suicidal but.. oh well.

I think while happily skipping down the stairs and into a hallway. built of a type of hard-stiff grass the color of wheat with automatic candles lighting them self as I walk into it. This is soo freaking cool. I thought. Then when I'm finally having fun, somebody just has to come and ruin it. Can you guess who it is? Yeah... if you're suicidal. I hear someone cheekily say through my head. Yeah well, you'd enjoy it too if you weren't such a party pooper. I reply. God... Why does she have to be such a- No cursing!! Blaire sings through my head. I groan, hitting myself in the head. When I say I seriously regretted it... it's an understatement. Ouch!! I cry out in my mind Stupid. Blaire mumbles. I don't reply. There's no use. If I do we'll just be stuck down here arguing all day.

I continue forward when I broke free of the hallway. And let me tell ya'. It was so worth having to climb up all those stairs on my way back up.

I gaped at the sight, frozen with awe. It's feels like I suddenly got pulled and  separated from the the rest of the house. It feels and looks like I just traveled to a whole new world. The same feeling I get when I shift - like I'm in the beauty of the wild. It feels like I'm... home. Really and truly home. The scenery was almost like something out of a fairy tale. It was like a cave, but a room at the same time. There was furniture all around me and what I assume to be a wide pool/Jacuzzi disguised as a waterhole that I can see through the clear glass wall separating the two rooms, the water a beautiful tropical turquoise shining as bright as the sky on a sunny day. The stone floor vibrating cold onto my feet which were barely giving off warmth considering they're sandals, I head towards the door at the far right of the room. I opened it to discover a bathroom with the same design as the other rooms. This is caverific!! Get it... cave , caverific... Never mind.


A/N = Author's Note

Hey Babes

Sorry for the long wait.

Been kinda busy, but then again that's not excuse, right?

Did you see the picture up top, by the way. ISN'T HER ROOM AWESOME!! I wish I had her room.

Anyway, off topic.

I hope you guys like this chapter, I spent a lot of thinking to what I was going to write for this chapter to satisfy you guys so... Hope you absolutely positively LOVE it as much as I did when I was writing it!!* Cue the Squeal.*

I'll be introducing some new characters next chapter, and maybe uncover some long overdue secrets of Camila's, so get ready.

Love always < I Hope >,


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