Chapter 7: This is No Way to Start a Morning!!

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Avicii ~ Wake Me Up

Wake Up!!

Wake Up!!

Wake Up!!

You Might As Well!!

I'm Gonna Keep Doing This Until You Get up!!

Wake Up!!





"I command thee!!"



Wake Up!!

Wake the Blankily Blanking Blank Up!!

I groan. This is no way to start a morning!! Dad's voice is really not the first thing that I want to hear at 7 o'clock in the morning. Before you ask, I'm just gonna tell you that, no, my precious father is not yelling in my ear this early in the morning- although that would have been way better because then I can actually punch him in his face for waking me up with his annoying voice. No, that just couldn't be the case because, in his words "Why on earth would I wake up at that god-forsaken early when I can be getting my sleep on and rub it in your face later?!?" So... Now I have a voice recorded alarm clock that I can't figure out how to turn off- and no I can't just throw it away, trust me, I've tried, but it seems that every time I do try that it always ends up right back perching it's annoying behind right there on my little table dresser next to my bed. Of course I went through the whole 'Freak-Out-It's-A-Ghost' phase, but in the end I decided that the ghost can't be worst than Blaire so... yeah. Hey! Blaire protests in my head. Anyways, I wouldn't put it past that sneaky rat to pay the store staff to make the thing voice activated only- not to mention indestructible.

I begrudgingly throw the blankets off of me and make my way towards the bathroom to do my stuff, all the way there making sure to glare at the thing that woke me up with my dad's voice. Oh, how I loathe that thing. I growl in my head. We can finally agree on something!! Blaire agrees back. Oh great. Just great. Just flipping great!! Now I have two stupid voices that I can't get rid of!! Just listen here, Missy, you aren't exactly a bowl of Trix Cereal either, sweet heart! Blaire defends. Yeah, I know. I would much rather have Lucky Charms too. I smirk in my head. I can practically picture her screaming in frustration, storming into a little room that she made herself comfortable in the back of my mind a long time ago.

Once I finish having the morning Niagara Falls morning  pee that seems to be undodgeable, I jump in the shower and... - wait, hold on you perverts, close your eyes and ears!! You don't need to see or hear about my business in the showeezy. Anyway... skipping to me finishing brushing my teeth while swishing mouthwash in noisily my mouth. As I head to walk out of the bathroom connected to my room, I have to double glance at my bed.

I spit out my the mouthwash and start choking the remaining remnants that went down the wrong pipe, not believing my eyes. This can't be for real.

I run back into the bathroom and lock the door. Squeezing my eyes shut, I take deep breaths to calm myself. OK, calm down Camilla. You're just imagining things, OK? It's not real.

OK let me explain. In case you're wondering, no, I did not see a nest of furry spiders on my bed - no, note that is just plain crazy. What I actuality are is a pale little girl in a little cute white sleeping gown - not to mention the blood on it - and long pitch black hair was standing by my bed, staring at the bathroom door.

Yeah, yeah. Very funny. You wouldn't be laughing if you were in this position would you? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Cracking the door enough to peek through I look out thinking maybe I'm just seeing stuff. Oh how gullible I feel when I see her small pale figure still standing looking at the door.

I quickly slam the door back and look for my phone. I curse myself as I remember I left it in my room, fearing that the steam from the shower would leave it no longer working. OK, women up , Camilla. It's just a little girl... a very creepy... pale... Grudge-like little girl... Oh to crap with this, I'm just going to flush myself down the toilet!! I think as I make my way to the toilet. Halfway there Blaire stop myself. No, Camilla, No!! You refuse to be frightened by a little girl, scary, but a little girl nonetheless. Now get buttocks out there and go all ninja on her- I cut her off from insulting the very pale little girls buns. Hey, whoa there I get it, I get it, jeez woman!! Christ!!

I turn to the sink and begin putting on my war makeup.


As I stand in the doorway in my war gear - which, by the way, consists of army styled makeup and a hand made outfit made with my towel and my brand new shower curtain- I get into position and face the little girl head on.

"Yeah, uh huh. Come at me, Bro, come at me!! I dare you. What you just say to me?!? Oh you wanna go, okay, let's go. You don't want none of this!!" As I do my little warm up dance, Blaire oh so kindly - cough cough - decides to point out that the little girl isn't moving. I stop my awesome jumping left to right and slowly squint my eyes to get a better look. Her eyes are closed... Well that's a bad way to fight. I observe. No, really?!? Blaire asks me oh-so-sarcastically. Then it hits me...

"Aww, you're scared. You don't want to fight, You were just entirely misunderstood. I'm sorry, here let me give you a hug..." I lean in for a hug and guess what happens... no, you have to guess... Guess... You know what, I'm just going to tell you because obviousl-


"Ahhh"!!" I jump backwards getting ready to swing, landing on my beautiful backside, when I stop and stare up at the little laughing girl that just seems to be having the time of her life rolling on my bed.

"Oh, Honey there you are!! You can't just run off like that, come back downstairs." A pale woman with long black hair comes into my room as she scolds the girl. She spots me and stops. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Casey. Little Livvy always seems to be running off somewhere. We're your neighbors. We just wanted to welcome you guys to the neighborhood. We'll be in the living room once you're ready." With that she and Little Livvy through the long hallway and up the stairs, scolding Little Livvy all the way up.

You want to guess what I was doing that whole time... Still on the floor in my war outfit and makeup, speechless and wondering if I've finally lost it. This is the weirdest place I've ever been to... A smile starts to spread through my face. I Like it!! As I get up off the floor with a huge smile on my face, I finish getting ready for he- I mean school.

What an amazing wake up call... and this time I mean it. Looks like I'm not the only weirdo in this city.

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