Chapter 11: Lunch Hour(Updated 7/22/17-5:38 pm)

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Walking out of my last class, I begin my way towards the cafeteria. There were only a few groups of people in the hallway considering my blabbermouth of a English teacher wouldn't shut up even after the lunch bell had rung.

As I walk down the hallways I notice two groups of boys on either side of the hallway, both of which seemed to be watching me. On one side, the group of boys seemed to be wearing the school football jerseys - while on the other side there seemed to be a more than enough amount of leather and jeans. To say this gently, there was obviously a war of testosterone happening there... and just guess who had to strut their sexy bottom of loveliness right through it?

Walking, not paying either groups the attention as I am playing a game on my phone, me being who I am seemed to run right into someone's chest. Those muscles though... Blaire and I seem to state at the same time.

I look at my hands that currently decide to move on their own by taking a little vacation playing with this person's six-packs. Oh what the heck. I think before giving up control to them. Continuing to do so for about two minutes at the least, before someone has the audacity to interrupt my fun with a uhmm.

I sigh in annoyance, my hands not once pausing as I look up to whoevers washboard abs I am currently feeling up.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

To my luck, the person is one of the jersey-clad males that were standing in the middle of the group... well who is still standing in the middle considering I'm there too. He has golden blonde hair and Blue pools of blue awesomeness that are currently staring at me with the looks of amusement.

"I could ask you the same thing - I mean, I am the one being assaulted." This... person decides to point out.

"Am I supposed to stop just because you point it out. Did you know that you have really nice abs?" I ask him with a questioning face.

He is looking at me with a small smile on his face- Probably thinking how he ended up in this situation and what good thing he did to be blessed with it. "Really?" He asks with a spark in his blue eyes.

"Yeah - I mean, what did you have to go through to get these?" I look down and pull up his shirt to where his packs were on full display- all the while my hands still not stopping their mission.

He looks at me with a huge grin of pride stretching his face. " You really want to know?"

"No, not really." I state simply as my full focus is solely on this gift from heaven. "But look on the bright side. You are now declared my new friend, k?" I ask looking up at him with a smile on my face.

"Um, okay..." He replies looking like his brain is about to explode with the amount of force he is using to figure out what's happening.

"K, I'm starving so we're going to have to postpone the rest of this convo so I can try not to die over here. See ya, Blue." I finally stop my hands and pull his shirt back down- giving him two pats on the chest before walking into the cafeteria.


Hmmm let's see... Burger, no. Pizza, la. Salad, nope. Soup from a can, I don't think so. Cake. na- heck yeah!!

I pick up my cake and look around the cafeteria. Ignoring everyone I head towards an empty table in the far back corner next to a window.

Yes, jackpot. I sing in my head as I take a seat. Perfect... Blaire purrs.

I take a deep breathe and sigh as I slump in relaxation. What is wrong with these weirdos? I think, looking around.

Who are you to talk? You talk to yourself at least forty to fifty times in three hours. Blaire. Oh so kindly putting her two- wait, 18 cents once again.

Whatever. I grumble as I grudgingly chew on the one of big five pieces of cake I bought at the counter... well that along with the other junk I bought. Pudding, Ice cream, jello, fruit... okay okay. I know what you're about to say. 'Fruit isn't a junk food.' Well it should be! I mean, how can it taste so sweetly delicious and not be 70% sugar, huh? Answer me that... Think!

Swallowing down the last of that slice I then move to another. I hadn't gotten half of that slice down when the cafeteria doors suddenly goes bang! Me being who I am doesn't give a chicken finger. I happily swallow down another bite.

In the middle of the adventure of the cake exploring my taste buds, I notice that everything goes quiet. I look up and around. Everything seems normal... well except for the fact that the ones I noticed couldn't stop talking if I dragged them into the woods and ate them have all fallen silent.

Shrugging, I go back to my beautiful cake.

As I'm finishing the last piece of cake on my plate I feel a presence around my table. I stop mid-bite and look up, raising my eyebrows in question.

"Can I help you?" I ask slowly as I look between the five leather clad guys in front of me.


Hey Guys. Sorry for updating this chapter over and over again. I forgot that I had already written this chapter in google docs. I'm currently typing on my phone and didn't think to check. I promise to make it up next chapter!!

Speaking of next chapter, any guesses on what's gonna happen next? Maybe even a few suggestions? Don't worry, I will give shoutouts if I happen to use your ideas. Here's your chance to create some scenes that happen in the book. I will be doing these for future chapters as well, so don't panic if your ideas aren't picked this time.

Love you guys,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2017 ⏰

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