Chapter 10: Mind Your Own Business ( Rewritten)

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Mind Your Own Business ~ Hank Williams Sr

Walking down the hall, I glance every now and then counting the numbers until I find my locker .

"...125... 128...139..."

After about 5 minutes of that, I finally found my locker number. #204 - The locker reads. As I stuff my books into the locker I look down to check the time.


Ugh. Why does school have to start so early?!? I whine in my head.

Because it's school... duh!! It like to see people suffer!! Blaire says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

... Okay I already knew that, but in my defense I wasn't really expecting an answer so...


I look down to my schedule, while walking in a random direction. "What do I have now..." I wonder quietly to myself."

Math... Someone please cue the raspberry farts!! BOOOOO!!

Walking to the assigned classroom very slowly, thinking that if I walk slow enough the class would be over by the time I get there... No such luck...

Getting there I peek through the glass, hoping no one will notice me. Well obviously someone couldn't mind their own business and decided to look towards the door, which caused a ripple effect in the classroom... which might I say, included the oh-so-genius math teacher who just so happened to walk towards the door as he saw me duck down below the window. Dang it!!

I slowly stand back up, brushing the imaginary dust off my clothes, as I slowly creak open the door.

I look around the room and blurt out the first thing that comes to mind before heading to the window seat in the back.


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