Chapter 5: Men

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Lose My Mind ~ Janine and the Mixtape

I changed into workout clothes in my new room. The sun was already setting by the time I came back up to find my parents in the kitchen pulling out the glass cups from one of the brown moving boxes labeled 'Kitchen.'

My mom reached up to put another dish into the cabinet when suddenly my dad reached up and started tickling her, resulting to her squealing and dropping the plate that was now nothing but a pile of shattered glass on the floor come down with a loud crash. Mom turned with a scowl on her face. Dad's eyes went wide before a smirk quickly replaced the fearful look as he tugged moms hand towards him, having mom crash into his chest as she loses her balance. Mom looks up startled, her eyes instantly softening once she looked up into dad's eyes. Then something happened. Something so horrible I will bet a whole year's worth allowance, will give me nightmares for the rest of my life. Something so gruesome I would pay all the money in the world to have not seen. Something so disgusting the scariest of things in the world would have either run for shelter, vomit or be paralyzed to where the stood in horror. Dad's lips comes crashing into mom's. His hands roaming her body as they kissed. And let me tell you, it was not just a peck on the lips, or even one of those sweet kisses that parents give each other when they have to rush out the door in the mornings. Nope. It was a straight too-drunk-to-care-who's-watching type of kiss. It was the type of kiss that you usually see when you walk into a party and all you see is teenagers practically eating each other's face off in the corner. The type of kiss that if you'd see a couple do on the street you would go, "AHHH, MY EYES!! MAKE IT STOP!! MAKE IT STOP!!," or couples you just want to shout at and yell " Gross!!! PDA!! Get a room!!" The type of kiss that- Oh shut up already!! I think they've got it!! Blaire yells at me. But,bfortunately for her, I'm too mortified to care. Here I am. Eyes wide, jaw practically on the floor... and I'm pretty sure I saw something fly into my mouth.

"Mommy!! I'm hungr-" Nikolas says walking into the kitchen. As he takes a look at the scene in front of him, he pales. " Never mind." He manages to get out through his slack jaw as he slowly treads backwards out of the kitchen back into our new living room looking about ready to vomit.

That simple act snaps me out of my trance as I snap my hand over my eyes. " MY EYES!!! MY BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL EYES!! THEY'RE RUINED, RUINED I SAY, RUINED!!!" Okay, Okay. I know what you're gonna say, a little dramatic am I right? But in my defense, I say that was a major downgrade from what I wanted to do. What I wanted to do was run around the house pouring anything I can find into my eyes to make what is happening erase from my memory. I mean, I would do any means necessary to stop what's still going on in the middle of our new kitchen. Not a good start, house... Not a good start at all. " Children in the house!! KEEP IT PG PEOPLE!!!"

My mom jumps away from my dad as if she had been electrocuted, a blush brightly painting her cheeks, as dad chuckles gruffly under his breath at my mother's obvious embarrassment.

My dad glanced up at me, shooting me a smile, before going back to the fancy glass plates that the was trying to stuff into the cabinet. "Hey, camel. We didn't know you were here. You know, since it was actually quiet and all." He says with a smirk still plastered onto his face. Oh that cocky bas- No cursing!! A very irritatingly high pitched voice screeches in my brain. Alright, alright!! No need to yell my ears off, women!! I snap at her, wincing.

I scoff. " Right. Yeah sure, Maxine. Sure. At least I'm not the one who's trying to do the deed in the kitchen." I smirk at my dad. You see me and my dad like to make fun of escorted names because... Well do you really needed a reason.

"HEY!! Language, young lady!!" My mom scolds, whipping around with her cheeks turning blood red. Hmm. If she keeps this up, she can dresses as a tomato for Halloween.

"Hey. Language young lady." I mock, heading to the hook on the door and grabbed my keys. I opened the door to the garage and step out, but not before I hear my dad's bellowing laugh behind me and my mom scolding him. I quickly close the door, struggling to keep in the cackle that was trying to slip through my mouth. Men.

I look at the motorcycles that lined the wall. Yep. That's right. I have motorcycles too. 7 of 'em in fact. Get over it.

Grabbing the flaming Harley Davidson, I hit the button to open the garage door.

"~" _ "~"

Pulling up in front of a boxing gym, I turn off my motorcycle, taking my and look around when I heard wolf whistling. Looking towards the door of the gym to find a group of 5 guys. All of them hot, nonetheless, but I really don't appreciate them whistling at me. I mean, I might be a dog, but come on, RESPECT PEOPLE!!

I flip them the finger and proceed to what I was doing. I opened the seat and pulled out my black Nike workout bag which consisted of boxing gloves, bandages, iPod, wraps, first aid kit, a yoga mat, a towel, a bottle of water, and my phone.

Once I have everything I grab my bag, my yoga mat, and my motorcycle helmet as I shut the seat closed. I turn around and start stalking towards the door, which might I add, is still being blocked by the same group of boys. Who also might I add, are staring at me.

Having enough of their impoliteness, I clear my throat dramatically, frustrated. " Um, do you mind. Hasn't your mother taught you that staring was rude." I look at them expectantly. None of them replied and just kept on staring. Apparently not. Blaire mumbled in my head, and for once I agree with her.

"No? Okay, well move. I don't have time to deal with your foolishness. It's getting dark and I have places to be." I really didn't. You see it's a Sunday afternoon, and I just moved here and everything, so I have no friends to hang out with or anything... but they don't know that.

Finally a guy steps up. It was obvious that he was the leader of this little clique. "My names Chase." He said as he held his hand out, smiling. I look down at it then back up at him, not impressed.

"Well Chase. Not to be rude, but you and your little... group needs to stand somewhere else. You're kinda in my way." I tell him pushing past him and the rest of his goons walking the rest of the way to the door, opening it.

God. Men . Why do guys have to be so annoying?!?

"~" _ "~"

A/N = Author's Note

Hey guys!!

So, I updated. -Cue the No Shit Sherlock!!-

Anyways, I was sitting in bed when I thought Hey its Halloween I should give these guys a treat for being ever-so patient with me and my slow mind.

So, Here we are.

Who likes chase and the other guys? Yeah, they're kinda creep-ish but hey, who doesn't like hot guys?!?

I know I do!!


I'll see you babes later, K?


Updating Soon,

          ~ QueenBeautiiful ~

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