He Cheats

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Nialls POV:
I can't believe what happened! For fuck sake I kissed another girl! Y/N will leave me and I can't do anything cause I would do the same if she cheated on me! What the fuckin hell did I think? I can't loose her! She's my everything! My Princess, my air, my heart, my oxygen and mostly my true love! I need to tell her...

Niall hasn't been texting for a week ... hm.. Maybe he's just busy? Idk what's wrong but I'm worried. I decided to go on my Twitter since I haven't been in that app in forever! My mentions were blowing up?! Why? I looked at the tweets they were mostly saying "finally @Y/T/N and @NiallOfficial broke up!!"
"Poor Y/N I feel bad for her she's so nice" "wtf is wrong with you @NiallOfficial?! @Y/T/N is perfect!!"
Well that's freaky! And also the hashtag #WeWillAlwaysLoveYouY/N was trending... What the hell is going on?
Is he cheating on me?! No he won't! Never in a million years he's to good for that!
I decided to call Niall and talk to him but every time when I called he send me straight to voicemail. What is going on?

Nialls POV:
I'm on a plane home to her cause I need to tell her everything. Maybe she already knows? No.. I mean idk maybe she knows.. Is she already gone? Omg please she can't be gone i need her!
I can't wait to see her again even when my heart is arching at the thought of what's going to happen later...

I was walking up and down in our apartment as suddenly the door opened and Niall came inside. "Hey Ni what are you doing home aren't you supposed to be on tour?", I asked surprised. "Yeah but I need to talk to you", he said not looking into your face. Oh god he's going to break up with me... "Please sit down Y/N. I love you with all of me and I don't know what was wrong with me but I know that I won't be able to make it up ever again.", he said while looking at his hands. "Niall what are you talking about? You didn't cheat on me did you?", you asked hoping that you were wrong, but he wasn't looking up he started to cry and said "I'm so sorry" over and over again.
" oh my god!", you said while running your fingers in your hair. "Y/N babe I-", he couldn't finish his sentence cause you cut him off with saying," don't! Just don't! I'm gonna go upstairs and pack my things while you wait here and when I come back you better stay silent".
I packed my stuff while crying. When I finished packing I saw a picture of Niall and me On his nightstand and I took it and smashed it to the ground where it broke into a million glass Pieces like my heart.
When I came downstairs he stood up but before he could say a word he remembered what I told him and he stayed silent. With no glaze back I left Niall...

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