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After seeing Zack, reality of my whole situation is starting to sink in, I really need to tell someone that I'm pregnant.

I still don't know what I want to do with this pregnancy, but I do need to go to the doctor to make sure everything's okay with me and the baby. I shouldn't have waited this long to figure things out but I've just been so scared of the reality of this situation.

I really should tell my mother but she probably wouldn't even care, or would tell me to just get an abortion. I don't want to tell any of my friends because I don't want this getting around school. I know people will find out eventually but I'm not ready to be the talk of the school because of something like this.

Last year when a girl got pregnant she was only 14 and everyone made fun of her that she actually had to transfer to a high school that was for teen moms, I don't want that to happen to me.

I start to walk home, I know who I can tell. Isabelle, she's always been like a mother to me since my mom has never really cared. She will know what to do.

As soon as I get home I go straight to the kitchen, that's usually where she is.

"Ashley honey why aren't you at school?" She asks me when she sees me sit at the island.

"I need to talk to you Izzy."

"Of course sweety." She says in her motherly tone

"I think I'm pregnant"

"Oh my god" she gasps and pulls me into a hug. I rest my head on her shoulder and let the silent tears fall. God, I'm so emotional.

"We have to get you to the doctor, to make sure everything's okay." She says

"I know. That's why I'm telling you. Will you take me?" I ask

"You don't want your mother to?"

"No, and please don't tell her. Ill tell her when I'm ready."

"Yes sweetheart. Whatever you need. Well let's go to the clinic."

We get into her old run down car, my mom should really pay her more for what she does for us. This drive seems like it's taking 4 hours. I don't think I've ever been this nervous in my life.

"Can i ask about the father? Is it Kyle?" Izzy asks referring to my ex boyfriend.

"No. A boy that was at my party."

She nods her head as if she understands.

When we get there I get so nervous my hands start to sweat and I have a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Hello" the doctor says as she walks into the room. "I'm Dr. Wright. Tell me why you're here today."

I look over at Izzy as if I want her to speak for me, but its not her place.

"I think I'm pregnant." I say with my head low

"Alright well let's see. I'll get the nurse to take some blood, then it will take a couple of hours so we will call you. If you are pregnant we will schedule a follow up appointment. " The doctor says and I just give her a small smile.

After the nurse takes my blood Izzy and I head home. The whole way home we don't say anything to each other.

I'm so nervous for the results, that I just sit in my room waiting for the call to confirm or deny the results.

My phone rings and I jerk awake. I must've fallen asleep. I answer it on the 3rd ring.

"Hello" I say into the phone.

"Yes, is Ashley there."

"This is her."

"It's Dr. Wright. I was calling about your test results."

"Okay.." I say

"You are pregnant, so I'll need you to come back in for a follow up appointment."

I drop the phone and start crying. I mean I already knew it was true, I was kind of hoping it was a false positive. I don't know if I'm ready for this much responsibility.

What am I going to do?


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