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It's finally Friday, thank god. I am really starting to get sick of walking around school all day.

Tonight I'm staying at my dad's, it's the first night I'm staying over there. It might be a little weird since my dad is away on business and Miranda is with him, So it will be just me and Dylan.

I would bring Anna with me but she's with her friend tonight.

I guess it'll be a good night to get to know Dylan, maybe.

Once I get there I don't see Dylan anywhere down stairs so I head upstairs to my room.

I walk in and I'm amazed at what I see. My room is very big so there's a lot of empty space in there, but not any more.

My dad set up my whole room. A huge queen size bed in the middle of the 2 large windows and a pink couch in the corner. A large oak dresser. It's amazing and what makes it even better is there's a crib in the corner with a rocking chair.

I can't believe my dad did this. Me and my father have had a rocky relationship since my parents got a divorce. I really didn't expect this from him.

I walk over to the crib and look at it. It's beautiful, it looks like a normal baby crib but my dad put sheets in it. The sheets have little dinosaurs on it. This is the sweetest thing he's ever done for me, maybe him marrying Miranda is a good thing after all.

I find a little note in the crib.

I really hope you like this, Ashley. I just want you to know that I love you.

I smile I love my father so much. I'm glad he's really trying to get our relationship back on track.

I go down stairs after awhile. My stomach grumbles as I enter the kitchen, I notice Dylan sitting at the island.

"Hey" he says "I didn't know you were here."

"Yeah, I just kind of felt like it. Plus i didn't feel like hanging out with my mom tonight." I say

"I know the feeling."

I laugh "you hungry?"

"Very, There's nothing to eat in this house. I don't really know any good places to eat around here yet."

"I was just about to order pizza. Want some?"

"Hell yeah." He shouts

Gosh, he must really be hungry.

I call and order our food. Then I go into the living room and put on a movie.

Dylan comes into the living room and sits on the couch with me.

"I didn't know you were pregnant." He says

"Uh yeah.." I say not knowing what else to say

"I'm not judging or anything. It just shocked me that's all."

"It does most people"

I'm glad I hear the door bell ring. I really wanted to get out of that conversation.

"25.94 is your total."

"Here. .. Uh Zack.?" I say

"Ashley. This isn't your house." He says as he hands me the food.

"It's my dad's. I didn't know you worked at a pizza place."

"Well yeah. I had to get a job to support you and the baby."

Awe, he's so sweet. I smile at him and set the food down. I give him a big hug before he has to be back to work.

"I'll see you later." I say as I shut the door

Zack never told me he got a job, That's so sweet that he did that.

I grab the food and head to the living room.

Dylan's still in there watching a movie, but it must be ended because now some action movie is on.

I hand him a pizza box.

"What took you so long?" Dylan asks me

"I was talking to the delivery guy."


He's so awkward and kind of nosy.

I guess I will try to have a normal conversation with him.

"So wheres your dad?" I ask him

"Oh, uh I don't know my dad. My mom got pregnant with me when she was 15 and I guess the guy didn't want to be involved." He says and looks at the ground

Wow, I'm glad Zack isn't like that. Honestly if I didn't have his support I would be giving this baby up.

"I'm sorry" I say not knowing what else to say

"It's nothing to be sorry about. His lose right?"

"Yeah" I smile

Great way to look at it.

My and Dylan don't really talk much more, we just finish watching the movie then I head upstairs as does he.

This was a weird night, I still need to get used to having a step brother.

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