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We arrived at the cabin an hour ago, I've mostly just unpacked so far. My dad agreed to watch Ayden for us, So it's just me, Zack, Dylan and Maria.

It should be fun since me and Maria haven't really spent much time together either, I've really missed her.

Me and Zack share and room and Maria and Dylan do, even though they're not on the best terms. I don't know what happened between them but I'm going to find out.

Zack and Dylan left to get food for this 3 day weekend. It should be really fun to get away for awhile, but I miss Ayden so much already.

I walk into Marias room and see she's just sitting on her bed.

"Come on" I say and nudge her "tell me what happened with you and Dylan."

"It doesn't matter." She says and stands up

"Yes it does. You're clearly upset about it"

"Honesty, not really." She sighs "He's cheating on me."

"What??" I gasp

"I know he is. He's been acting really different lately. I was going through his phone, I know I shouldn't have been but I really needed to. He was texting his friend how he thought this girl was so beautiful and that he was in love with her." She let's out a long sigh and almost starts crying

"Well maybe he was talking about you?" I suggest

"He wasn't, his friend asked if it was me and Dylan said no, I'm over her. How could he be over me? What have I done?"

"Dont cry, You know what Maria screw him. You can do so much better "

"Really?" She asks

"Of course" I say and hug her "So much better"

I really wanted to enjoy this weekend, but it looks like it won't be as fun as I imagined. It honestly would be better if Dylan and Maria weren't here, Maria is my best friend so I'm going to be here for her.

I hear the front door open.

"The boys must be back." I say

Maria wipes the tears from under her eyes.

We head down the stairs to find the guys in the kitchen unpacking the food they've bought.

"I thought we could go on a hike since all around us is woods." Zack suggests

"Eh, I don't know." Maria says

"Me either, man." Dylan adds

"Sounds like fun to me" I say

"You two go then." Dylan says

Maria looks at me with pleading eyes. I know she doesn't want me to leave her here alone, but a hike does sound like fun. I haven't done anything outdoors really since I've had Ayden.

"Dylan why don't you just come along?" I say "it'll be fun"

"Uh, I guess." He says and walks out the room

"Thanks" Maria says

Maybe some alone time will be good for her.

"Does Dylan really have to go?" Zack asks and wraps his arms around me

"I don't want him to, but Maria is really upset and doesn't want to be left alone with him"


"Let's go get ready" I say

I put on a pair of jeans and tennis shoes.

When I walk down stairs Dylan and Zack are already waiting at the door for me.

"What took you so long?" Dylan asks

"I was up there for 5 minutes. " I say

"Seemed way longer."

"Let's just go." Zack says

Once we get outside Zack holds my hand. It's kind of hard to hike while holding his hand but he won't let go.

We get to the top of a mountain and stand there to take in the view.

"It's really beautiful here" I say

"Yeah it is." Zack says

Dylan doesn't say anything he just sits down on a tree stump.

He clearly doesn't want to be here. I'm half tempted to just tell him to go back to the cabin.

I look around and take in the site in front of us.

It's amazing here, I really do love the out doors. It's going to be so cool bringing Ayden here one day.

"Aydens going to love in here once he gets older " I say

"He sure is." Zack says

"We can come here a few times a year." I say

I start to think about what the future has to hold for me and Zack.

I really hope we stay together. I hope things stay good with his mom and Ethan. I just want everything to be okay.

After everything that I've been through, I want things to stay this good.

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